Akkar Solar Project Tender# IRL - T2023 - 040
Through this project, IRL will improve the access to safe water for the host community and refugees in the most vulnerable villages in North Lebanon and Akkar governorates, Lebanon. IRL will support the North Lebanon Water Establishment (NLWE) by developing water infrastructure in Akkar Governorate and Tripoli T5 region (Tripoli and surrounding cazas), more specifically targeting the area under the coverage of the Qobayat local office, Minnieh local office and Tripoli under NLWE.
Deadline of submission of Tender: 26/10/2023 at 04:00 pm.
Tender document can be found attached (PDF file), to be printed, signed, stamped and submitted to our office.
For any further inquiry do not hesitate to contact us on:
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for consideration of this tender, a tenderer should meet the
following requirements:
1. Company VAT Registered and has a financial
2. Flexible in payments
3. Clear quotation stamped and signed by the company name.
4. Has a bank account by the company name and can receive external bank
5. Distribution and labor cost should be included and mentioned on the
How to apply
Submission of the tender will be in the closed tender box in the below address:
Beirut - Verdun - Saeb Salam Street - Kojok Center 5th Floor
Please don't forget to
Write down your name, phone number, email and signature on the paper found on
the log sheet attached to the Tender Box at our office.