The Goethe-Institut Libanon, within the framework of the project Cultural and Creative Industries - FANTASMEEM, and in partnership with INJAZ Lebanon, is launching a new entrepreneurship training program “EnVision” to support designers in Lebanon to scale up their business and increase their prospects of employment and income.

About the programme 

EnVision is a 3 month program (between 50 - 55 hours) dedicated to design entrepreneurs and creative professionals in any field of design with early-stage start-ups or freelance practices based in Lebanon. It aims to strengthen the designers’ creative and business skills and equip them with the resources and tools they need to successfully navigate their social entrepreneurial journey, adopt sustainability in their design practices, integrate a social aspect to their businesses, and achieve greater independence through business ownership. 

Up to 40 design entrepreneurs will take part in EnVision, and you could be one of them. Apply now before June 4, 2023 by visiting  

Program Objectives   

The following are the targeted objectives of the program: 

  • To equip entrepreneurs and freelancers in the Cultural and Creative Industry (designers) with the skills and knowledge required to successfully start and grow a design-based business. 
  • To provide designers with a strong understanding of social entrepreneurship, creativity, and sustainability in design, financial & business planning, branding & marketing. 
  • To assist designers in developing and refining their business plans, financial projections, and marketing strategies. 
  • To equip designers with a baseline to initiate or integrate sustainability and social entrepreneurship aspects into their businesses or freelance practices.  
  • To connect designers with industry experts, business professionals, and other like-minded design entrepreneurs for networking, exposure, and potential partnerships. 
  • To inspire and motivate design entrepreneurs to pursue their passion for design and entrepreneurship and help them turn their vision into a reality. 

Program Components 

The “EnVision” programme curriculum incorporates the following components to support designers in developing their design business.    

I- Creative Catalyst: 

Igniting Your Design Entrepreneurship Potential 

Explore the vast opportunities for entrepreneurship in the creative and cultural sector, while gaining the tools and insights to overcome the unique challenges that come with it. Through interactive online sessions, dynamic Design Talks, and inspiring study tours, you'll unlock your entrepreneurial potential, gain valuable insights from experts in the field, and develop strategies to tackle the challenges that arise. 

II- Visionary Ventures: 

From Creative Concept to Entrepreneurial Success 

Transform your vision into a successful business venture that offers a strong value proposition. While designers and entrepreneurs understand the importance of having a vision, bringing it to life can be a challenge. With the help of our team of creative guides and business strategists, you’ll get the insights and tools you need to develop a compelling design concept and align your business and design visions. Stand out in the competitive design market and turn your vision into a reality. 

III- Blueprint for Success: 

Laying the Foundation of Your Design Business 

Learn about the key building blocks of a successful design business, including financial planning, market analysis, and business modeling. You'll gain the tools and insights needed to develop a comprehensive business model or lean canvas that will guide you on your entrepreneurial journey. 

IV- Brand Mastery:  

Crafting Your Unique Marketing Story 

Develop a distinctive brand identity, craft a compelling marketing story, and effectively communicate with your target audience across different marketing channels. In this component, you'll learn how to create a strong brand positioning strategy, develop a unique brand identity, and master the art of communication through effective marketing campaigns. Our experienced trainers will guide you through the process, providing valuable insights and practical tools to ensure your business stands out in the competitive design market. 

V- Market Magic 

Navigating Design Events for Successful Product Launches. 

Master the art of navigating design events and exhibitions, bring your designs from ideas to the market & build connections with potential customers and partners. In this component, you will learn how to use exhibitions, events, and design weeks to showcase your products or services effectively. We'll provide you with the resources and information you need to identify the right exhibitions and design weeks for you, as well as guidance on how to apply and get accepted. With study tours, networking events, and connections made through the program, you'll gain the knowledge needed to bring your design from concept to market and connect with potential customers and partners. 

VI- Creative Connections, Growth & Beyond:  

Networking, Engaging, and Opportunities for Further Growth and Development 

Fostering networks and collaborations are essential to building a successful business. This component, provides chances to network and engage with a diverse group of designers and entrepreneurs from Lebanon, Germany, and the MENA region, giving you focused visibility and exposure opportunities, and extra recognition in the industry. You'll learn from peer designers, trainers, mentors, and successful entrepreneurs, gaining valuable insights and receiving feedback on your work.  

Additionally, you'll also learn about access to other programs, funding options, and investment opportunities. You'll be equipped with the necessary tools and insights to effectively pitch your business, engage with potential investors, and take your business to new heights.

How to apply

Who can apply? 

EnVision targets designers at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey & who want to scale up their business. Designers should have at least developed a prototype, a product, or service in the following design sectors:  

  • Architecture 
  • Spatial Design 
  • Landscape Design 
  • Interior Design 
  • Furniture Design 
  • Fashion & Textile Design 
  • Product Design 

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Envision is open to design entrepreneurs or creative professionals in the design sector.  
  • Your business, product, or service should be related to the design sectors such as Architecture, Spatial, Landscape, Interior, Furniture, Fashion, or Product Design. 
  • Should have already started and worked on your design product, service, or prototype.  
  • Should have at least 2 years of experience as a freelance designer or entrepreneur. 
  • Should have basic knowledge & understanding of English. 
  • Willing and able to fully commit to the 3-month hybrid training program, including events. 

Application Requirements  

Applications must be submitted by filling in the form on before June 4, 2023.  

You will be required to fill out some personal information, an overview of your experience in the Culture & Creative Industries and information about your startup idea.  The following two documents must be also uploaded in their corresponding sections in your application, and they should be in English (preferably in PDF format). 

  1. Resume  
  2. Portfolio (PDF upload or URL link) 

Timeline (This is a tentative timeline. A more detailed timeline and schedule will be announced to the selected designers in due time.) 

  • June 4, 2023: Applications Deadline. 
  • Mid-June to August 2023: Program Activities & Sessions (online training and 4 in-person events). 
  • September 2023: Closing Ceremony
منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 11. يونيو 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم طلبات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الأطفال والشباب, التعليم