Terms of References

Legal consultant

  1. Background Information

Lebanon continues to witness multifaceted and intertwined crises that are further aggravating a vulnerable socio-economic situation and are pushing a substantial percentage of Lebanon’s residents under the poverty line. The severe economic crisis was compounded with the COVID-19 pandemic and a devastating blast in Beirut port that destroyed large neighborhoods in the capital and led in August 2020, to the resignation of the government. In the absence of a functioning government, the socio-economic situation continues to deteriorate. 


Social Entrepreneurship (SE) is increasingly regarded as a tool capable of easing communal tensions and contributing to communities’ socio-economic development. SEs can “contribute to the economic security of all segments of the population and contribute to economic diver­sity as it invests in territorial development and proximity, promoting community participation, prioritizing local impacts and modelling participatory values”[1].


In Lebanon, a 2019 mapping showed that SE has recently gained more national visibility among urban communities in big cities[2]. This can be explained by the fact that SE responds to the national priorities and is aligned with Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) goal and the strategy of both the Livelihood and Social Stability Sector. During the past few years, several projects started promoting SE as a tool to strengthen social stability and support local economic development for Lebanese, Palestinian, and Syrian refugees. Some of the projects invested in building the knowledge and awareness of community members on social entrepreneurship, some supported the identification of social ventures and their evolvement into SE through the provision of ad hoc technical and financial support, while some others focused on developing a legal framework for social entrepreneurship[3].




  1. Brief description of the project


SEE Change: Oxfam in partnership with Beyond group and COSV is implementing an EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian crisis (EUTF) Funded project entitled “Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Change” (SEE Change).  As of September 2020, and over the course of three years, the project has been implemented in five different areas in Beqaa, North, South and Mount Lebanon.


The project aims at increasing   the   impact   of   social entrepreneurial activities in Lebanon, creating employment and social stability opportunities, and supporting the local economy.

The action aims to have an impact on 4 levels:


  • Technical level: Developing the capacity of around 7000 community members through the provision of trainings on SE, social economy, social impact measurement, and community outreach.
  • Social level: Engaging at least 200 community members in: 1) identifying local assets that hold the potential of being transformed into social justice incubation programs, 2) monitoring and measuring the social impact of SEs that will be supported by the program.
  • Economic level: Providing technical and financial resources to support the scale-up, social and economic impact of around 60 existing SEs. Additional support will be provided for the Social Entrepreneurship Support Organizations (SESOs) to ensure that they provide improved and tailored support to the SEs.  
  • Policy level: Sustaining the advocacy work initiated through previous projects, namely BADAEL[4], FURSA[5], and MedUp![6], aimed at creating a conducive ecosystem for SEs, civic engagement, and inclusive economic development.


  1. الدور والمسؤوليات

أن أوكسفام في لبنان تسعى للتعاقد مح خبير\خبراء قانونيين لإجراء تدقيق قانوني وتشريعي لنص مشروع قانون حول الريادة الأجتماعية في لبنان. وذلك للقيام ب:

  • اجراء الدراسة القانونية حول نص مشروع القانون المقترح:
    • القوانين الحالية التي تهدف الى حل نفس المشكلة\هل تفي بالغرض؟
    • هل يمكن حل المشكلة عبر تعديل القانون الحالي, اعتماد اجراء تنظيمي, أو تدبير أداري
    • هل مشروع القانون المقترح يتضارب مع نصوص أخرى؟ أو هل يهدد اي حقوق مكتسبة سابقا (قانون التعاونيات مثلا)؟
  •  صياغة وشرح الاسباب الموجبة لأقتراح القانون والفوائد المرتقبة منه بشكل مفصل ومبسط
  • صياغة وتطوير الأحكام العامة للقانون
  • دراسة الآليات اللازمة لتطبيق القانون
  • تنقيح وإعادة صياغة النص مع الأخذ بعين الأعتبار:
    • تقسيمات النص التشريعي
    • فهرسة وتشريح النص
    • الألتزام بالقواعد السليمة للنص التشريعي
    • ألألتزام بأساسيات اللغة التشريعية
  • إضافة أي تفصيل مغفل وإجراء أي تعديل يساعد في الوصول إلى الهدف المنشود.


  1. المؤهلات المطلوبة:


  • لديه معرفة قانونية متقدمة في مجال صياغة القوانين والتشريع  
  • لديه خبرة عمل في المجال لا تقل عن 5 سنوات،مع أفضلية خبرة بالعمل مع مجلس النواب في تطوير وتعديل القوانين.
  • اتقان اللغتين العربية والانكليزية
  • اتقان الكتابة القانونية



  1. Process

Interested consultants should submit their:

  • Consultant profile
  • Registration Documents) if registered)
  • CV(s)
  • Technical proposal
  • Banking details (Active Fresh US$ Account)
  • Financial proposal including consultancy fees.
  • Quotation should depict detailed pricing


للمهتمين يجب ارسال :


  • الملف الشخصي
  • أوراق التسجيل )في حال التسجيل)
  • السيرة الذاتية
  • ألعرض التقني الخاص بأليات العمل
  • التفاصيل المتعلقة بالحساب البنكي
  • مخطط مالي يتضمن الأتعاب الاستشارية
  • عرض أسعار يوضح تفاصيل الدفوعات.







Please submit the EOI and other documents by May 21st , 2023, midnight at the latest, to [email protected]  with “Legal consultant” in the subject line. In case of any questions or inquiries, please contact us using the same email address.



[1] Developing Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in the Mediterranean and Middle East. 2019. Tallie Hausser, Constantin Tsakas, Karine Moukaddem. Med Brief No 23.

[2] BRD, 2019. Mapping of SE in Lebanon. Unpublished report.

[3] EU MADAD-funded BADAEL and EU MADAD-funded FURSA

[4] A project implemented by Oxfam, BRD, Utopia, and Najdeh between 2017 and 2020. It aimed to raise awareness around social entrepreneurship in tens of local communities in Bekaa and North Lebanon, supported 45 SEs financially and technically, contributed to national advocacy initiatives

[5] A project implemented by SFCG, COSV, UPP, NOVAC between 2015 – 2018. It aimed to strengthen the prospects of youth in refugee and host communities for social and economic inclusion in Iraq, Lebanon and Turkey. COSV supported 10 SEs among 25 SMES.

[6] A regional project that is currently being implemented by Oxfam in different countries in the MENA region, including Lebanon. The project aims to support over 10 SESOs and 10 SEs, contribute to national advocacy initiatives, and create platforms for regional and international exchanges


How to apply

Interested consultants should submit their:

  • Consultant profile
  • Registration Documents) if registered)
  • CV(s)
  • Technical proposal
  • Banking details (Active Fresh US$ Account)
  • Financial proposal including consultancy fees.

Quotation should depict detailed pricing

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 21. مايو 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
القانون والشؤون القانونية
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
Detailed timeline per deliverable to be agreed upon with the consultant.