The Lebanese Association for Scientific Research (LASeR) is currently seeking bids for a solar system to be implemented in Tripoli North-Lebanon area.


Scope of work/specifications:

The scope of works and distribution process and specifications are listed in Annex 2.



Payments will be made from LASeR account through bank transfer to the supplier account in US dollars (fresh money), based on the agreed terms and conditions, and completed after installing the required system, and getting the project technical team approval, as follow:

  • Advance payment equal to 20% of contract amount upon contract signature.
  • 30% of contract value upon Steel Structure is fully installed and PV panels are delivered to site.
  • 40% of contract value upon satisfactory completion of 100% of the Works and after testing and commissioning of the system (handing-over).
  • 10% of contract value, retained as guarantee for 1 year after signature of system handing over.

All payments are done through a fresh USD check that will be withdrawn in FRESH USD from the bank.


Performance standards:

All services must be supplied and delivered by all relevant rules, regulations, and statutes currently applicable in Lebanon.


Site visit:

Only preselected bidders will be invited to a site visit.



LASeR invites companies/institutions to submit sealed tenders for the procurement of services described & summarized by procedures, conditions, and contract terms, as prescribed in the tender documents.
LASeR reserves the right to vary the number of materials specified in the Tender Documents without any changes in unit prices or other terms and conditions and to accept or reject any, all, or part of submitted offers.


Qualifying conditions:


Bidders are requested to provide the following documents:

  • Institution/company licensing

Copy of: commercial register, commercial broadcasting, certificate of registration with the Ministry of Finance, certificate of VAT registration if available, and ID card for the company/institution owner.

  • A portfolio, proved that at least one 100 KW PV solar panel project was implemented by the Institution/company. 


How to apply


Collection of tender documents:

The documents of the tender shall be submitted in closed, sealed & separated envelopes (technical/financial), with the name of the bidder, telephone number, name & tender number attached to the Lebanese Association for Scientific Research (LASeR) - Tripoli, Azmi Street, Al-Khayat building, third floor, Secretariat’s office.

with the successful applicant.

  • If Applicants have any additional requests and conditions, this shall be stipulated in a separate letter accompanying the bid.
  • Each bid shall be valid for 3 months from the date of submission.
  • Bids shall be made in writing calculated in USD only and clearly stated on the appropriate forms.
  • All prices must include all taxes applicable in Lebanon, compulsory payments, levies, and duties, including VAT.
  • Requests for clarifications and questions should be sent to LASeR in the following email: [email protected]



Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted in two separated envelopes that are sealed and signed (sign the envelopes from outside starting with the sticking part & continue to the ordinary part), submit it by hand to the association, and the offer is stamped from the “offer’s provider name” and delivered to the: Lebanese Association for Scientific Research (LASeR) - Tripoli, Azmi Street, Al-Khayat building, third floor, Secretariat’s office.


Tender basis:

All bids shall be made by the tender documents including technical specifications, deliverables, responsibilities, and/or activity schedule contract intended to be signed


The deadline for submitting tender documents is:

The deadline for submitting ONLY the technical proposal is 04/05/2023.

Only preselected bidders will be invited to a site visit and to submit the financial proposals one week after the site visit.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 04. مايو 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
تنمية, بيئة, إعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية والخدمات, الإصلاح وإعادة الإعمار, إعادة تأهيل
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract: