Post Title: 

Youth Research Advisor (individual)  

Project Title: 

Mid-term Review of the Generation G Programme 

Place of work: 



February – August 2023 



ResultsinHealth is a woman-owned and managed international development advisory firm. We are located in the Netherlands. Founded in 1993, ResultsinHealth's work has been guided by three principles: evidence-based, innovative, and practice-oriented. ResultsinHealth has expertise in a wide range of health and non-health related topics and is practiced in the application of cutting-edge capacity building and participatory evaluation methods such as the 'Most Significant Change' (MSC) methodology, Photovoice (PV), Participatory Video, and Outcome Harvesting. ResultsinHealth has a strong track record in advising donors and supporting governments, multilateral organisations, and international NGOs through short- and long-term assignments. We conduct large-scale, multi-country Monitoring and Evaluation activities– as the project lead or as part of large consortia and framework contracts. We work within the scope of international development, public health, and poverty alleviation and in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 1 (No poverty), 3 (Good health & wellbeing) and 5 (Gender equality).  


About the project 

ResultsinHealth was assigned by the Generation G Partnership to conduct the Mid-term Review of the Generation G Programme. The Generation G partnership runs from 2021 to 2025 and is a collaboration of partners in the seven countries with a global consortium consisting of Rutgers (lead), ABAAD, Equimundo and Sonke Gender Justice. The Generation G partnership strives towards the creation of gender-just and violence-free societies with and for young people in their full diversity. The partnership raises public support, advocates for improved policies and laws, and strengthens civil society to contribute to achieving gender justice. The Generation G Lebanon Coalition was made up of ABAAD (Resource Center for Gender Equality) and Justice without Frontiers (JWF). The latter is phasing out the programme in 2023.

The partnership addresses three key, interrelated challenges: gender-based violence, the unequal division of care and women’s lack of access to civic space. More specifically, this partnership engages an innovative gender-transformative strategy that equips youth leaders and civil society organisations (CSOs) to address the root causes of gender inequality and power imbalances. Engaging (young) men in promoting gender justice is a key component of this strategy. Next to a gender-transformative approach, this partnership has fully embraced the principles of inclusiveness, meaningful and inclusive youth participation, do no harm and accountability. As young people are our key actors and key impact group, they are actively included in decision-making processes, as well as the design and implementation of key strategies. The diversity in these principles refers to the fact that, although the partnership recognises the need to amplify the voices of women and the need to actively engage men, we live in a world where youth have intersecting identities that influence their position in society and access to rights and power. As such, an intersectional feminist approach to gender justice is strongly embedded in the Generation G programme. 


Purpose of Consultancy 

The youth research advisor in each country will work collaboratively with the national consultant and the global consultants of ResultsinHealth to meet the specific objectives of the Generation G Mid-term Review at country level:  

  • To assess country programme progress and gaps towards the achievement of the 5- year goals and targets (as set during the baseline phase), and to reflect on how the country coalitions are contributing to the realisation of the TOC;  
  • To adapt country targets and indicators if necessary;  
  • To inform country programme 2024-2025 planning by identifying lessons learnt, opportunities to build on our strengths, and options to extend influence;  
  • To assess and provide recommendations on country programme strategies regarding:  
  • risk mitigation (including Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment/SEAH); 
  • sustainability (what is the likelihood that the project results will be sustainable, in terms of systems, institutions, policies, financing) and institutionalization (e.g. on Gender Transformative Approach/GTA and Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation/MIYP); 
  • operationalisation of programme principles (do we live up to our own principles?); 
  • capacity strengthening (Is the programme sufficiently sensitive and responsive to capacity strengthening needs? Is the country capacity strengthening plan effective and likely to lead to sustained capacity improvements in the long- term?)  
  • To assess (and identify opportunities to strengthen) the collaboration with the Embassies and other strategic partners;  
  • Additional country specific evaluation and/or learning objectives (This may include that the goal is to also support cross learning between countries through the information gathering and recommendations to strengthen the linkage between long term objectives).  


Scope of Work 

The main tasks of the youth research advisor are as follows:  

  • Attend an orientation meeting with ResultsinHealth and Generation-G team; 
  • Attend training on data collection, including pre-testing the tools; 
  • Work collaboratively with the national consultant and the Generation G country coalition and champions;
  • Review project reports and highlight relevant issues to include in mid-term review reports, especially those that affect: a) Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation in Gen G programme management (decision-making, resource allocation and representation in Gen G partnership structures; b) in Gen G interventions and activities, and c) advancing youth participation and the inclusion of youth issues in national policy development (i.e., government bodies and programmes) and rights-based advocacy (i.e., CSO mechanisms and programmes) in-country;
  • Facilitate FGDs, KIIs, and SOCs with youth groups, accompanied by the national consultant (if applicable);
  • Support consolidation of relevant findings for country mid-term review reports and country recommendations;
  • Support coordination of data gathering activities;
  • Provide input and advice to the national consultant and the global team related to engaging youth respondents;
  • Support data analysis lead by ResultsinHealth;
  • Provide inputs to mid-term review country reports and recommendations relevant to above-mentioned areas affecting Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation.  


Expected Deliverables

  1. Written review and input, focusing on Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation, for the summarized desk review and the country report developed by the national consultant;
  2. Field notes of how the field work was implemented focusing on Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation principles (including supporting and hindering factors during the field work, observation notes);
  3. Disseminating the findings to the young mid-term review participants;
  4. Other deliverables that are needed by ResultsinHealth global consultants – will be discussed further during the online training.



8 days (spread between February-August 2023) 


Qualifications and specialized knowledge, experience and skills required 

  • Bachelor degree in social sciences or other related fields;   
  • Maximum 32 years of age;  
  • Experience in the area of SGBV, advocacy, campaign and civil society strengthening; 
  • A thorough understanding of the humanitarian and development work modes of operations and the context in Lebanon; 
  • Experience working with vulnerable communities, including youth, women and girls; 
  • Experience in conducting qualitative research, including key informant interviews and focus group discussions; 
  • Written and spoken fluency in English and Arabic.  


Conflict of Interest (CoI)

Youth research advisor should not have COI nor has been involved in the Generation G programme implementation and/or design.   

How to apply

Please send your CV, sample of work and one-pager of expression of interest to Lingga Tri Utama: [email protected] by 4 January 2023. The expression of interest should include information about your skills, experience in similar assignments, and your daily rate. Please put LBN YRA MTR as the subject of your email.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 04. يناير 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي
Remuneration range:
2000 to 3000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
8 days (spread between February-August 2023) 