The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Zahle and Bekaa is willing to hire an external film/video producer, guided by the film producer of the BEN CCCI (Nicosia, Cyprus, i.e. Leading producer).

  • A2.2.1 Animation video
    • The Leading producer (BEN) will create an animation video in English with the aim to capture the story of the honeybee and its importance to humans and the environment;
    • The Contractor will be responsible for the translation into native language using voice-over as well as subtitles in English;
    • Total duration is estimated at 8-10 minutes.
  • A2.2.2 Production and scenario creation of a cross-border promotional video
    • Production of a video that will include footage from the various project activities in your own region. The video will follow the project from WP3 to WP5, detailing the development of bee-businesses, products, clusters and capitalisation of Outputs (e.g. workshops, training sessions, sub-grants ceremonies, public events, etc.);
    • Voice-over will be in the language of each region, with subtitles in English. The Contractor is responsible for the translation native language -> English;
    • Total duration estimated at 8-10 minutes;
    • In the last months of the project, the Leading producer (BEN) will collect all regional videos to produce a single video from all partners’ regions for the purpose of capturing the project activities.
  • A2.2.3 Testimonial video preparations
    • Production of five (5) testimonial videos of final beneficiaries, speaking about their experiences with the project and the cross-border dimension of the experiences;
    • Testimonials will be made with regional stakeholders as well as individual (micro)SMEs bee-businesses;
    • Testimonials will be filmed in native languages with English subtitles. The Contractor is responsible for the translation native language -> English;
    • The total duration is estimated at 8-10 minutes.

Important notes:

  • all videos should be available on Youtube
  • all videos must respect the ENI CBC MED programme visibility guidelines, including the following wording:
    • This video has been produced thanks to the financial support of the European Union under the ENI CBC MED Programme. The contents of this video are the sole responsibility of MedBEESinessHubs partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the Programme management structures
  • implementation period: August 2022 – August 2023
  • The period of performance of the Contract is from the date of signature of the Contract until 31 August 2023. Depending on the progress of the overall MedBEESinessHubs project, the contract execution period may be extended up to 6 months (i.e. end of February 2024) without any additional fee to the Contractor.

Expertise required:

The hired film producer should possess the following:

  • Excellent knowledge of both written and spoken English, in addition to region’s language;
  • Previous experience of at least 2 years in the production of films/documentaries/videos (if available, please provide a list of such previous work available on the internet)
  • In addition, indicatively, the hired film producer expert(s) could possess knowledge and/or previous filming experience in the following sectors:
    • Apiculture, Agri-food, Environment, Tourism.

How to apply

You are kindly requested to send your profile and financial offer to the following email: said@cciaz.org.lb

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 07. أغسطس 2022
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
Remuneration range:
3000 to 4000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
June 2022- July 2023