Expertise France is seeking the services of a consultant(s) to provide capacity development support in Gender Mainstreaming to select Shabake NGO partners. This consultancy is composed of 1 main task:

  1. Conduct one general workshop on the Organizational and Programmatic Gender Mainstreaming for select representatives from all Shabake NGO partners.   

For this task the consultant will be working with designated focal points, both at the NGOs receiving the service and the Shabake project Manager at Expertise France throughout the duration of the consultancy.  



The objective is to support the integration of a Gender Mainstream strategy among the Shabake NGO partners organizational framework. This aims to strengthen the basic knowledge of the NGO partners on Gender Mainstreaming, support in incorporating a gender perspective within their policies and programs, improve the quality of their work and promote Gender Equality in the long-term.

Below is a breakdown of the scope of work for this task:

Task 1: Conduct one general workshop on Organizational and Programmatic Gender Mainstreaming for representatives of 12 NGO partners.

  • Develop a detailed agenda and material for the workshop, covering general definitions and terminologies on Gender, Gender Mainstream and Development; Gender Mainstream methodologies and tools; best practices and Gender Mainstream policy action plan.

The workshop agenda and materials are submitted to EF for prior feedback and amended based on any feedback received.

  • Conduct one workshop on Gender Mainstreaming strategies and their integration within the NGO partners’ organizational and programmatic frameworks, considering the current local context and the various partners’ fields of work.
  • Ensure that the workshop topics are presented in an interactive manner that engages participants with practical elaborations of tools and approaches through constructive activities.
  • Ensure to take attendance and administer a pre-post test to assess participants’ understanding of the knowledge gained and produce a workshop report.
  • The workshop and its materials and associated reports are to be delivered in English, with the use of spoken Arabic/English in training.




Task: General workshop on Organizational and Programmatic Gender Mainstreaming

  • Workplan for the task is developed and submitted to EF
  • Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming strategy is conducted (agenda and all associated documents/readings/activity sheets/PPTs are shared with EF beforehand for review).
  • List of attendees confirmed and shared with EF.
  • Pre-post tests for the workshop are administered.
  • Final consultant report with annexed training report covering the workshop and its results is delivered to EF for review.


The total duration of the consultancy is 5 days over a period of 1 month. The workshop is to be conducted in physically but in line with COVID-19 prevention guidelines, unless a change in context necessitates a transition to online delivery.



Time of Implementation


ALL: Introductory meeting with NGOs and EF team to discuss the workplan per task

Detailed workplan for each of the prescribed tasks

Following contract signature

Beirut/ Online

Task 1:

  •  Workshop on Organizational and Programmatic Gender Mainstreaming
  • Workshop report completed

1 month

June 2022

Beirut/ Online



Consultant: The Consultant will be responsible for designing and delivering the following:

  • Conducting required inception meetings with the NGOs receiving the service
  • Setting a detailed workplan for the tasks
  • Collaborating closely with the NGO partners on the deliverables outlined above
  • Participating in coordination and follow-up meetings as needed.
  • Respecting the agreed timeline.
  • Submitting all deliverables as agreed and with respect to the timeline

Expertise France: Expertise France will contract the consultant and will be responsible for the overall management of the Consultant including:

  • Developing and finalizing the terms of reference and contract
  • Along with the NGO partners, reviewing and approving all expected deliverables with the Consultant
  • Supporting the Consultant in connecting and meeting with the NGOs receiving the service
  • Overall monitoring of the assignment activities and the delivery of milestones.

How to apply

Applications (detailed resume and cover letter) are to be sent to the following email address: [email protected] [email protected]  under the title:  Gender mainstreaming expert   

Application should include the following documents:

  1. Expert CV
  2. Cover letter
  3. Signed copy of the terms of reference
  4. Submit a methodology paper on designing, developing, rolling out and putting in practice the national Localization Framework.
  5. Copy of the Ministry of finance registration
  6. Filled and signed copy of Annex I – financial identification
  7. Bank letter that confirms the banking details mentioned in Annex I
  8. Filled copy of Annex II - expert details
  9. Copy of the expert ID
  10. Daily rate written in the email including (transportation and communication fees)

The deadline for application is Tuesday, May 24, 2022

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 24. مايو 2022
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
التدريب وبناء القدرات
Remuneration range:
2000 to 3000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
1 month