Project in brief: 


Enhancing Quality & Inclusive Education-EQIE Program is a 5-year program (2020-2024) funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). It aims to improve the reading skills for 10000 children and youth aged 3 to 10 years old, through a school and community-based and e-learning approach through engaging teachers and coaches in RTP’s PBL Methodology. In addition, the program will increase the enrollment of children with disabilities in schools.  Complimenting school-based activities, initiatives at the community level will aim to create an enabling, safe and inclusive learning environment that is supportive of children’s wellbeing. In order to respond to the country’s context, the program will maintain a broadened target group to include Syrian refugees, in addition to Palestinian refugees, and disadvantaged Lebanese host communities. Target locations will include 10 Palestinian refugee camps in addition to settlements where many Syrian refugees reside, spread out across 3 Governorates:  Beirut, South, and North. Acknowledging that the geographical areas with the highest concentration of refugees are also the areas most affected by poverty, disadvantaged communities in surrounding areas will also be targeted. Further building on its established relationships with civil society organizations, RTP will continue collaborating with a range of community-based implementing partners throughout the program implementation. 


Rehabilitation-Mini Digital Labs in brief:


The primary objectives of the rehabilitation-mini digital labs in schools/community centers in Beirut, South, and North are as follows:


- Enhance physical spaces including mini digital labs in the schools/community centers


- Increase access of children to safe and quality digital classrooms in the schools/community centers and help them to interact with technology and make lessons more interesting for learning


The interested applicant should provide all needed electricity parts & install them in mentioned areas following up the electrical engineer consultant mapping and recommendations

the drwaings of the centers already attached with all files to facilitate the job 

How to apply

Kindly refer to the attached files.

Interested applicants should send an email to the below contacts subject Ref # RTP/2022/003  Rehabilitation Electricity Works asking for BOQ soft copies to be filled and sent along with the remaining files 

 *Logistics Officer: Marian Zaytoun - Email: [email protected]

*Logistics Coordinator: Kevork Dersarkissian - Email: [email protected]

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 29. أبريل 2022
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
إعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية والخدمات, إعادة تأهيل