يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: 
توجيهات التقديم: 

Interested consultants are required to send an expression of interest email to the following email address:Yasser Dawoud – Nabaa Executive Director: ([email protected]/ 00961 70948472) - Deadline for receiving applications is 27th  March, 2022.

Upon expressing interest, the interested consultants will receive the detailed TOR, based on which they would submit their proposal to the same email address mentioned above.

Proposals must include the following:

  • Outline of evaluation framework and methods, proposed time frame and work plan.
  • Proposed evaluation budget (including a budget breakdown) and proposed payments schedule aligned with deliverables schedule. (Proposals over 4 pages will be automatically excluded).
  • CVs and evidence of past evaluation papers, references.
  • Example of previously conducted evaluation.
  • Applications are to be submitted on an official letter (stamped and signed too) of the company
اسم الشخص المسؤول: 
Yasser Dawoud
Contact Person Position: 
Nabaa Exexutive Director
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 

Terms of Reference

Final External Evaluation

Strengthen the Resilience of Youth without and with Disabilities through Socio-Economic Empowerment

Increasing resilience of young people with and without disabilities by means of social and economic participation.



In partnership with Johanniter International Assistance. Funded by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Bengo Engagement Global (funding line PT).

Project Duration

15/12/2018 till 30/04/12/2022


Six Palestinian refugee camps; Ein El Helwi, Rachidieh and El Buss, Borj Chamali, Naher Al Bared and Badawi.


Main Project Objective

Ensuring the basics of life for Syrian and Palestinian youth with and without disabilities in Lebanon by means of educations and improvement of acceptance by society of people with disabilities, with a focus on Palestinian and Syrian youth.

Objectives of the Evaluation

To provide a third external point of view on the relevance and performance of Nabaa’s projects/intervention, as compared to the project documents and with a strong focus on results and impact. - To highlight key lessons learnt, best practices and recommendations to feed back into current and future Nabaa programming in the same sectoral areas and using similar approaches to meeting their objectives.

Overview of Methodology for the Evaluation


The external consultant will assess the projects/intervention according to the five DAC criteria: (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, impact) and in line with guidance notes from Bengo. Cross-cutting themes such as gender, environment, accountability and do no harm will also be considered and highlighted in this evaluation. The methodology for data collection is to be determined by the consultant with Nabaa approval. The consultant is however expected to conduct field missions to obtain the necessary qualitative and quantitative data that provides evidence on the impact of the response with members of communities targeted by the project. The evaluation should be conducted mainly through focus group discussions, key informant interviews and case studies as relevant. (Secondary data review)

The sampling should be representative as possible, based on the adapted methodology and available resources.

Evaluation Dates

April 1 till April 30, 2022





Developmental Action without Borders – Nabaa, is a local non – governmental organization, which has worked with Palestinian and Lebanese communities since it was established in 2001. Nabaa wishes to create an environment in which children and young people can grow and live together in harmony regardless of their religion, gender and nationality.

The key strategic objectives and activities of the organization are as follows:

Provision of leisure activities for children and young people to strengthen their social skills and reduce stress factors\ provision of safe and inclusive environment; strengthening of their psyco-social skills (focus on girls); Lobbying for the rights of Palestinian children and the provision of adequate services.





The population of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon that needs support in terms of education is estimated to be around 47,710 people. By contrast only 6,200 people have received support to date (2018). Only 61% of children between the ages of 16 and 18 are enrolled at school. At the start of the 2017/18 school year. 36,775 Palestinian refugee children were enrolled in 66 UNRWA schools in Lebanon (of which 5,482 are Palestinian Refugees from Syria, PRS). 961 Palestinian young people are enrolled in vocational training centers.


The lack of formal legal powers in the camps leads to restricted access to safety and justice for survivor of GBV and to children threatened by violence, exploitation and abuse. What is more, the difficult social conditions, including overcrowded living space and poverty, lead to a greater prevalence of GBV and Lebanese people with disabilities. Women, children and older people with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to discrimination, exploitation and violence and 29% of children with disabilities are not enrolled in education.


Although all Palestinian refugees face challenges on account of their protracted expulsion, Palestinian refugees with disabilities generally face additional obstacles and difficulties in accessing services and in developing their full potential. Many Palestinian refugees with disabilities and their families are pushed to the edges of society due to the general problems faced by people with disabilities in the country. These include, among other things, limited access to and limited availability of specialist services, inadequate awareness of their needs and the need to protect their rights. 28.9% of Palestinian refugee children with disabilities in Lebanon do not attend school.


It is estimated that 6,553 Palestinian refugees with disabilities have received social security benefits in 2017, a figure that equates to 10.6% of those in actual need. The UNRWA programme for disability helped to facilitate access to rehabilitation services and support tailored to the needs of the disabled or 13, 143 Palestinian refugees with disabilities.


Project rationale:

The main objective of the intervention is to guide young people from the refugee camps away from a lack of prospects and unemployment and increase their economic and social empowerment. The sustainability of this approach is achieved by providing training in a profession with an economic future, particularly for people with a disability, who then find themselves able to generate an income. Market study was conducted in the previous project to offer young people the best possible advice in their choice of profession. Training places were offered in computing (IT), mobile technology, hairdressing, beauty therapy, graphic design, accounting and health administration (hospital administration). These are sectors in which there is a demand for staff and I or there is the possibility of setting up a small business. he Lebanese state tolerates this labor market; without which it would be unable to cover certain business sectors or areas of activity.


120 young people with and without disabilities from the Palestinian refugee camps were able to improve their economic and social participation with this project measure. This was achieved by means of the completion of vocational training and various workshops, which enabled the young people to participate in society and made the idea of inclusion in society visible. By means of their training, the young people were able to develop prospects for the future which took them out of unemployment with new self-confidence and improved prospects for the future, the young people are now less of a target for Islamist, fundamentalist and anti-democratic groups in the refugee camps.


In addition, a civil-social coalition for inclusive employment was formed. This coalition consists of various local NGO's and members of the local communities. The purpose of this coalition is, by means of various campaigns, to support the rights of persons with disabilities to work and to increase pressure on the local community and employers to provide persons with disabilities with vocational prospects. The members of the coalition received 2 days of training in which the rights of persons with disabilities were explained. In addition, several advocacy campaigns were carried out. here remains a great need to continue to carry out this project, so that the theory of inclusion is manifested in local society and more young people with and without disabilities are able to participate in the labor market. In this way, civil society is also strengthened.


The project is carried out in community centers (multiple purpose center) by Naba'a. These are located in the Palestinian refugee camps and the purpose of these is to mobilize various participants in the community and to campaign for childrens', human and women's rights. A close partnership and co-ordination with the local community, such as schools, NGO's, parents and active members exists, in order to improve the situation there (position of children, young people, women etc.). The various services, such as additional lessons for children with learning disabilities, psycho-social advice and support of families, additional advice services, as well as workshops about selected topics in the areas of health and education are provided in the centers for children, young people, men and women. For the children and young people, in particular hose who have been expelled from school and are therefore threatened by risky behavior, the community centers represent an important place to go to.


Projects direct target group includes a total of 4380 (50% Females\ 50% Males) particularly disadvantaged and marginalized young men and women with and without disabilities aged between 15 and 25 in six Palestinian refugee camps.


Project Expected Results:

  • 540 young people with and without disabilities have vocational training in order to carry out a skilled trade and therefore have better employment possibilities as employees or as self- employed.
  • 540 young people with and without disabilities are actively involved socially within their community, also after the end of the project.
  • Key institutions, companies and NGOs have been made aware and are campaigning for the rights of people with disabilities.
  • 2880 young people and adults with and without disabilities are trained multiplicators who campaign for the rights of people with disabilities.




The main objective of this evaluation is to provide Nabaa and the donor with an assessment of the project, its design, implementation and results. The aim is to determine the relevance and fulfillment of objectives, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the project. The evaluation should provide information that is evidence-based, credible and useful, enabling the incorporation of lessons learned into the future decision-making processes of Nabaa and the donor.

The evaluation will specifically:

  1.  Assess the extent to which the project met planned Results.
  2.  Assess the extent to which Nabaa met key CHS commitments during implementation of the project;
  3.  Highlight lessons learnt, best practices and recommendations for improvements to feed back into current and future Nabaa programming in the same sectoral areas and using similar approaches to meeting their objectives.



The evaluation shall use all five of the following DAC criteria and corresponding questions:


  1. RELEVANCE; The appropriateness of project objectives to the problems that it was supposed to address, and to the physical and policy environment within which it operated. It should include an assessment of the quality of project preparation and design.

1.1 Was the action adequately designed to respond to the needs of the direct beneficiaries?

 1.2 Were the project methodologies and activities relevant to achieve the project objectives?


  1.  EFFICIENCY; The fact that the project results have been achieved at reasonable cost, i.e. how well inputs/means have been converted into activities, in terms of quality, quantity and time, and the quality of the results achieved. This requires comparing alternative approaches to achieving the same results, to see whether the most efficient process has been adopted.

2.1 Was the project managed in a cost-efficient manner (in terms of human, financial and other resources versus the results)?

 2.2 Were synergies capitalized on with other actors (local and international) involved in similar projects?


  1. EFFECTIVENESS; An assessment of the contribution made by results to achievement of the project purpose, and how assumptions have affected project achievements.

This should include specific assessment of the benefits accruing to target groups.

3.1 Were the expected results realized?

3.2 Did the achievement of the results conduct to the achievement of the project specific objective? What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of set objective? If there is a gap between the benefits brought by the activities and the objective of the project, how can it be explained?

 3.3 During the project, how well did Nabaa provide information to communities and people affected by crisis about the organization, the principles it adheres to, how it expects its staff to behave, the project and what they intend to deliver.


  1. IMPACT; The effect of the project on its wider environment, and its contribution to the sector objectives (as summarized in the project’s overall objective).

4.1 What evidence is there that the project contributed to the achievement of its overall objective?

4.2 What, if any, were the unintended impacts of the project intervention, both positive and negative? Was the project able to monitor, mitigate and respond to any unintended negative effects?


  1.  SUSTAINABILITY; An assessment of the likelihood of benefits produced by the project to continue to flow after external funding has ended (probability of continued long-term benefits).

5.1 What evidence is there to suggest the project’s interventions and/or results will be sustained after the project end?

5.2 What are the possibilities for replication and extension of the project’s outcomes? Human, organizational (including policies and institutions) and financial factors, as well as environmental and gender viability, are the main sustainability factors




Nabaa suggests consideration of the following mixed- methodology in order to collect the relevant data, the consultant is expected to determine the final methodological approach for presentation and approval during the inception phase. Final approval will be made Nabaa’s focal point. The evaluation is expected to be based on the findings and factual statements identified from review of relevant documents including the project document, monthly, quarterly and interim reports to the donor, monthly Project Manager reports.

NABAA will provide the external expert with all available project documentation at the beginning of the consultancy.

The consultant will also undertake field visits and interview the stakeholders including the target beneficiaries. (such as case studies)

Participation of stakeholders in the evaluation should be maintained at all times, reflecting opinions, expectations and vision about the contribution of the project towards the achievement of its objectives.


 The following persons should be visited and interviewed:

  • Nabaa Executive Director, Program Manager, Project Manager: key information for their reflections, best practices and lessons learnt about the performance of the project
  • Area Supervisors: key information interview for their feedback, their involvement and their reflection about the project activities and impact in the area
  • Community base facilitators: Focus Group Discussions with facilitators of each activity for their feedback on their involvement in the activities
  • Beneficiaries: quantitative and qualitative survey for their feedback on their involvement, satisfaction, improvement and changes through implemented activities.
  • NGOs partners: key informant interview with NGOs cooperated with them within the project, their reflection and feedbacks about the synergies on project in the area.


The methodology must consider participants’ safety throughout the evaluation as well as research ethics (confidentiality of those participating in the evaluation, data protection, gender, age and ability-appropriate assent processes) and quality assurance (tools piloting, enumerators training, data cleaning). The above-described methodology is indicative, the consultant is expected to provide a detailed methodology and work plan. He/she will also be free to collect additional data in order to reply to all the research questions.




External Stakeholders:

  • Marginalized young men and women with and without disabilities aged between 15 and 25.
  • Beneficiary’s family members.
  • Companies are found which offer work placements.
  • Vocational Training Centers.
  • Vocational training’ Selection Committee.
  • Palestinian popular committees.
  • Teachers.
  • Career Advisors.
  • Governmental institutions.
  • PWD Forum
  • Other International NGOs.
  • Local NGOs.


Internal Stakeholders (Nabaa):

  • Executive Director.
  • Program Manager.
  • Project Coordinator.
  • Finance Officer.
  • Community workers
  • Psychologists.
  • Animators.




The evaluation is expected to start in April 1, 2022 and shall be accomplished no later than April 30, 2022. Consultant should provide an evaluation work plan detailing the number of working days required per evaluation activities including desk reviews, field work - interviews, report writing and cost breaking down.


The consultant will be expected to meet weekly with Nabaa management staff to provide updates on the evaluation timeframe. This can be done either virtually or in person.






- Brief description of the respective roles and functions of those involved in the management of the evaluation and of those to be involved and the stakeholders to be involved in the course of the evaluation.





The following deliverables should be provided to Nabaa;


Inception Report

Following the desk review and prior to beginning of the field work, an inception report will be produced subject to approval by Nabaa. This report will detail a draft work plan with a summary of the primary information needs, the methodology to be used, and a work plan/schedule for the field visits and major deadlines. With respect to methodology, the inception report will include a description of how data will be collected and a sampling framework, data sources, and drafts of suggested data collection tools such as questionnaires and interview guides. It should also include the draft of the final report outline.

Draft Final Evaluation Report

A draft evaluation report will be submitted to Nabaa who will lead the revision process with the reference group and provide feedback within one week of receipt of the draft report. Quantitative and qualitative data collected and analysis developed should be annexed to the draft report.

Final version of the Final Evaluation Report

The Final Evaluation Report should include a two-page executive summary that summarizes the key lessons learned, conclusions and recommendations. It should also include best practices case studies that can be shared with the technical and management staff. Quantitative and qualitative data collected and analysis developed should be annexed to the report.

Presentation of findings

After submission of the Final Evaluation Report, the evaluation consultant will provide a final presentation for relevant stakeholders.



For all deliverables, the external expert is expected to underline factual statements using evidence, and to comment on any deviation. The report must be written in the English Language.


The Evaluation report should be structured as indicated in the translated Annex 7.2. from Bengo/BMZ called “Outline for Evaluation reports” (see in Annexes/Attachments below)




  • Post-graduate qualifications, and five years of experience in development/humanitarian studies or relevant area.
  • Experience in project Monitoring and Evaluation for Bengo
  • Strong knowledge and/or demonstrated experience in designing and conducting similar monitoring and evaluation activities in insecure contexts is required.
  • Lives in Lebanon and have access to entire all project targeted areas.
  • Excellent written and oral English essential.






Inception Report


To be delivered no later than April 4, 2022

Draft Final Evaluation Report


To be delivered no later than April 15, 2022

Final version of the Final Evaluation Report


To be delivered no later than April 21, 2022

Presentation of findings


To be delivered no later than April 28, 2022




Interested consultants are required to send an expression of interest email to the following email address:Yasser Dawoud – Nabaa Executive Director: ([email protected]/ 00961 70948472) - Deadline for receiving applications is 27th  March, 2022.

Upon expressing interest, the interested consultants will receive the detailed TOR, based on which they would submit their proposal to the same email address mentioned above.

Proposals must include the following:

  • Outline of evaluation framework and methods, proposed time frame and work plan.
  • Proposed evaluation budget (including a budget breakdown) and proposed payments schedule aligned with deliverables schedule. (Proposals over 4 pages will be automatically excluded).
  • CVs and evidence of past evaluation papers, references.
  • Example of previously conducted evaluation.
  • Applications are to be submitted on an official letter (stamped and signed too) of the company



Applications will be scored on the following criteria:


  1. Technical Proposal

70 pts


Technical skills of personnel deployed (CVs, organizational structure of the consultant, experience in conducting similar final evaluations - similarity to the evaluation criteria, project and covered area will be scored equally)

35 pts


Relevance of Methodology and work plan

20 pts


Sample from previous work

15 pts

  1. Financial Proposal

30 pts


100 pts

منتهية الصلاحية


دليل مدني، شبكة المجتمع المدني، يوفر للمنظمات منصة لنشر الوظائف, وليس مسؤول عن عملية التوظيف. كل منظمة مسجلة على دليل مدني هي مسؤولة بشكل فردي عن منشوراتها وعن عملية التوظيف.

آخر تاريخ التحديث: 
18 Mar, 2022
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الأطفال والشباب
آخر مهلة للتقديم:
الأحد, 27 مارس 2022
نوع العقد:
مدة الوظيفة:
one month
نطاق الراتب:
> 3000 (USD)
درجة التعليم:
تفاصيل درجة التعليم:
متطلبات الخبرة:
بين 5 سنوات و10 سنوات
اللغة العربية:
جيد جداً
اللغة الانكليزية:
اللغة الفرنسية:
غير مطلوب
  • Lebanon