MSD will provide support access to nutritious food for 50 individuals migrants, without support/assistance and or affected by the economic situation Lebanon is going through. This will be combined with hygiene kits; the same families will get 2 hygiene kits in compliance with the recommendations of the Food Security Sector and WASH clusters. Food will be provided for 6 months and hygiene kits will be provided for a 2-month period as per the LHF allocation strategy and as per the clusters’ recommendations to the same households.

The distribution will take place in Aley-Mount Lebanon

Kindly check the attached file for more details.

How to apply


  1. Questions must be submitted in written via email to MSD Procurement [email protected] ; Phone calls will not be accepted
  2. Only written answers issued by MSD will be considered official and carry weight in the RFQ process and subsequent evaluation. Any verbal information received from employees of MSD or any other entity should not be considered as an official response to any questions regarding this RFQ

The offers and a sample should be presented in a sealed and stamped envelope to the following address: Al Baushrieh, Hankash  Street, Garden Gate Building, 2nd floor.

Ms Reva Abou Tayeh will be receiving the offers and samples only and exclusively on the 3rd of January 2022.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 03. يناير 2022
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الغذاء والتغذية