Extended: 6 Dec 2021 - Call for quotations - Hygiene Kits for Special Needs - SYRIA
Due to the fact and mistake that deadline is coinciding on a Saturday (04.12.2021) and GRC Beirut office is closed on Saturday and Sunday, and GRC Syria office is closed on Saturday. Offers and samples will be exceptionally accepted till Monday 06.12.2021 12h (for both offices, Beirut and Damascus)
The German Red Cross (GRC) is inviting quotations for the provision of 6500 Hygiene Kits Special Needs (Hygiene incontinence Kits for adults) (with an option to order up to 1000 kits more) to be shipped to Tartous in Syria.
The complete tender documents can be downloaded through this page. File name HKSN Tender documents - Syria Nov21.
How to apply
Due to the fact and mistake that deadline is coinciding on a Saturday (04.12.2021) and GRC Beirut office is closed on Saturday and Sunday, and GRC Syria office is closed on Saturday. Offers and samples will be exceptionally accepted till Monday 06.12.2021 12h (for both offices, Beirut and Damascus)
All quotes, including annexes and supporting documents must be submitted by sealed envelopes to:
German Red Cross
Attn: Imad El Hayeck - (Tender: 2021-24-23.01)
Said Freiha Street, Center Camilia 2
منتهية الصلاحية