ACCD in partnership with the local governments of the UoM Oussat wa Sahel al Qyataa will implement a quick impact pilot project on the irrigation canal of Nahr al Bared that focuses on the mandate of local governments as entry point. As such, the proposed intervention will concentrate in implementing the works for the rehabilitation of the irrigation canal in the Municipalities of Oussat wa Sahil al Qaytaa.
Main Construction Activities (please refer to Annex.1)
The following sections present the main construction activities for the project to be
undertaken by the Contractor. The Engineer would supervise these activities and report
progress to ACCD. The estimated timeline for the completion of the project is 133 days (5.5
1. Mobilization and Submittals
This phase is expected to take up to 25 days. It mainly includes administrative and technical
activities prior to mobilization.
1.1 Site Handing Over
The Engineer would accompany the Contractor to hand over the project location. The
Contractor would also coordinate with the Union of Municipalities representative to agree on
a designated laydown area which would be used to set up the Contractor’s field office and
his material and temporary tools and equipment. The laydown area would be secured and
1.2 Site Topographical Survey
The Contractor would send surveyors to the project area to conduct a site survey to mainly
locate the different areas where interventions are proposed. The aim of a site topographical
survey is to also obtain detailed information for contractor to prepare shop drawings and
submit to KREDO for approval, such as:
- X, Y, Z coordinates of existing wastewater network, discharge points, and canal sides
and crossings where safety interventions are proposed;
- Confirmation on location of existing manholes;
- Identification of any potential issues.
1.3 Administrative and Engineering Submittals
Prior to mobilization, the Contractor is expected to submit the following documents to be
reviewed and approved by the Engineer;
- Work Insurance:
o Contractor All Risk Insurance
o Third Party Liability Insurance
o Workmen’s Compensation Insurance to cover accidents of workers or staff
- Work Plan Schedule
- Organizational Chart and CVs of key personnel
- Method Statement for the works to be executed
- Material Submittals for approval prior to the procurement of steel rebar, UPVC pipes,
manhole covers, handrails, chain link fencing and reflectors
- Shop Drawings
- Construction Safety Plan
- Covid-19 Safety Prevention Plan
1.4 Mobilization
Mobilization of equipment and tools and setting up the Contractor’s field office at the
designated laydown area.
2. Safety Interventions
2.1 Earthworks
Earthworks include the following activities:
- Cleaning and grubbing of all bushes, shrubs and top soil grass at the edge of the
canal in order to install the fencing. The material would be disposed of at sites approved by
the Engineer.
- Demolition and removal of existing concrete walls, barriers, parapets that are broken,
as well as the removal of exposed steel reinforcement in order to install proper railing.
- Trench excavation of a maximum of 1 m for jersey barrier, concrete tie beam, and
concrete edge. Excavation would be done with an excavator with a bucket width of at most
the width of the trench. Excavation would be performed slowly to prevent any possible
damage to underground utilities. Material suitable for backfilling could be used while
unsuitable material would be carted away to approved dump sites.
2.2 Concrete, Steel and Structures Works
Following the trench excavation where concrete edges for chain link fencing or handrails are
needed, the Contractor shall proceed with pouring a layer of blinding concrete. Concurrently,
the steel works will be prepared. Once the blinding is set and dry, the Contractor’s carpenters
will install the formwork for the foundations and the steel bars would be lowered and placed
on the blinding using spacers to ensure the required concrete cover is reached. Concrete
would be poured and cured. Once it is dry, the formwork would be removed.
At locations where there is an existing concrete slab, such as at crossings, no trench
excavation is needed. Rebars from the top slab of the crossing would be extended and
joined using epoxy to connect it to the new steel.
At locations where there is an existing concrete edge, handrails would be bolted while the
posts for chain link fencing would be installed in the existing concrete edge.
The work also involves the construction of reinforced concrete crossings as per the design
Metal works in this activity also include the procurement and transportation of galvanized
chain link fencing, handrails, and metal gates as per specifications described in the drawings,
to the locations of the interventions.
2.3 Incidental Construction Works
The work involves the installation of barrier delineators on the sections where jersey barriers
are installed for the safety of vehicles at night, as per design drawings.
3. Wastewater Interventions
3.1 Earthworks
Earthworks include the following activities:
- Cleaning and grubbing of vegetation, surface debris, stones, rocks and any kind of
dirt on existing dirt road.
- Cutting and Breaking Out of Existing Paved Surfaces: With the help of the
Contractor’s surveyor, the area to be cut would be marked with spray paint according to the
required width. The asphalt layer would be excavated and disposed of at sites approved by
the Engineer.
- Trench Excavation: Trenches up to 5 m in depth would be excavated using an
excavator with a bucket width of at most the width of the trench. Excavation would be
performed slowly to prevent any possible damage to underground utilities. Material suitable
for backfilling could be used while unsuitable material would be carted away to approved
dump sites.
- Sand Bedding, Pipe Laying and Backfilling: Prior to laying the pipes, approved sand
material would be evenly poured into the trench and compacted to form a bedding which is
the layer at the bottom of the pipe. After the pipes are laid, sand material would be poured on
top to form a layer of at least 0.3m above the pipe after compaction. Backfilling would be
done using excess suitable material taken from the excavation and approved by the
Engineer. Backfill material would be spread in layers and compacted using drum roller
compactor and water spraying to reach optimum compaction.
3.2 Concrete, Steel and Structures Works
The work involves the supply and installment of steel support for uPVC pipes as shown in the
drawings. Concrete encasement would also be provided when needed.
3.3 Sewer Network
The work involves the following activities:
- Supply, transport and installation of UPVC pipes with specifications detailed in the
design drawings;
- Supply and installment of pipe fittings, connections and accessories;
- Supply and install Reinforced Precast concrete manholes and inspection chambers
with Sulfate Resistant Cement coated internally with 2 coats, and coated externally with 2
bitumen epoxy including all necessary fittings with heavy duty Ductile Iron cover and
frame with lock, to the approval of the Engineer.
- Connecting the proposed wastewater lines to existing networks.
3.4 Bituminous Construction
Reinstatement of the asphalt layer would be done for part of the road that was excavated i.e.
only along the width of the trench excavated to install sewer pipes. Reinstatement consists of
the following layers:
1. Selected backfill material
2. Aggregate base course layer (25cm)
3. Prime Coat
4. 2 layers of asphalt (5cm each)
After backfilling the trench as described in the Earthworks section, the Contractor would
perform a compaction test (sand cone test) to ensure more than 95% compaction. Once the
test passes, the Contractor could proceed with the asphalt layer. Prime coat would be
sprayed on top of the base course and allowed to semi-dry. Then, an asphalt binder course
would be spread and compacted. When the asphalt binder course is completed and cold, a
tack coat would be applied to the binder course and allowed to semi-dry. The wearing course
layer would then be laid, spread, then compacted similar to the binder course.
4. Solid Waste Interventions
4.1 Cleaning of the Canal and Earthworks
Where the screen is to be installed, the irrigation canal shall be cleared of all silt and debris.
All waste material shall be disposed of at approved sites as directed by the Engineer.
Minimal trench excavation works would be needed to construct the concrete tie beam that
would support the screens.
4.2 Concrete, Steel and Structures Works
The work involves construction of concrete tie beam and the procurement, transport and
installation of galvanized steel screen, handrail and working platform with all necessary
5. As- Built Drawings Submittal
As-built drawings will be prepared by the contractor and submitted to KREDO at the end of
the project once all construction activities are completed. The Contractor would survey the
final works and submit as-built drawings to reflect the final completed works.
6. Demobilization
A period of three days is allocated for the Contractor to remove his equipment and field office
from the laydown area after the project implementation is over.
7. Handing Over
After the completion of works and after revising the as built drawings, KREDO will make sure
all works have been completed as per specifications and drawings and accordingly with the
contractor, the site will be handed over to NLWE as the owner and manager of the irrigation
It is crucial that screen cleaning activities are performed regularly to maintain the functionality
of the screens with continuous coordination with NLWE representatives. And as discussed
during our validation meeting the cleaning activities will be done by the workers on the canal
if not NLWE will name a person from the local community to be responsible for the task.
How to apply
Please submit your expression of interest for participating in the process for allowing us to send you all the needed documents and annexes to apply for this call before the 19/10/2021
Please submit an e-mail to :
Other useful dates:
Deadline for Manifestation of interest and request of Submission documents
Clarification meeting
Deadline for submission of tenders
Tender opening session
Notification of award to the successful tenderer
Signature of the contract
Once the expression of interest is submitted and once receiving the needed documents and annexes for the call, please submit the tender to : until the 15/11/2021
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