Terms of Reference (ToT) :Communication, outreach, and networking


EuroMed Feminist Initiative (EFI) is a policy network that encompasses women’s rights organizations from the two shores of the Mediterranean and advocates for gender equality and women’s rights as inseparable from democracy building and citizenship, for political solutions to all conflicts, and for the right of peoples to self-determination. EFI seeks to improve and promote women’s rights as universal human rights, the value of gender equality and the use of non-violent means to solve conflicts. Our criterion and position align with the international resolutions and conventions and regional instruments promoting the universality of women’s rights and strengthening women's impact and voices in conflict resolution.

EFI is currently working with Syrian partner organisations to advocate for the adoption and implementation of the NAP1325 (Women, Peace and Security); campaign for the amendment of discriminatory elements in the Personal Status Law and the penal code; promote a comprehensive law to abolish and criminalize VAWG in all its forms.


EFI’s partners will be provided with specialized advanced trainings on communication skills, using social media platforms, community outreach, and building networks and synergies on WR and GE issues including women’s participation in the public sphere and decision making, the WPSA, the implementation of NAP1325, advocacy for amending discriminatory articles in the PSL and penal code, and the promotion of a comprehensive law on the protection from VAWG. These trainings will be replicated to support the spread of gained knowledge and skills.  The ToT will have 15 participants.

     Objectives of the consultancy

To offer a training of trainers that raises awareness and improves skills related to gender balance in communication products of partners, through research-based materials, case studies, media-friendly packages etc. The goal is to assist partners increase visibility of the plight of women and girls affected by the Syria crisis in a manner that does not compromise human dignity; does not take away their voice; and works in line with internationally recognized humanitarian standards.


Scope of work

Upon completion of the training, participants are expected to help advance the key objectives that include:

  • Enabling others to bring a clear and simple understanding of women’s rights, WPSA, VAWG, PSL and other matters pertinent to women and girls affected by the crisis.
  • Enabling others to use social media platforms to effectively advocate for WR issues and amending discriminatory laws
  • Enabling others to learn new skills on gender balance in content reporting and content production.
  • Influencing participants’ attitudes and perceptions towards learning how to incorporate gender balance in content in their work.



  • The ToT will be implemented Mid-August in Beirut or online depending on the COVID 19 regulations.


Deadline for submission: 20th of July 2021

      Qualifications, Background and Experience:

  • Excellent written and spoken English skills required, including demonstrated ability in writing briefing papers and other information products, and fluency in Arabic.
  • Extensive experience working on the context in Syria and on the Syrian refugee crisis is a must
  • High knowledge of women’s rights issues and UNSCR 1325  
  • More than 10 years of experience in communication and advocacy

How to apply

Requirements for Submission:

The candidates interested in this training should provide the following information to the  email [email protected] :

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Financial proposal
  • Concept Note including training plan
منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 20. يوليو 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الاتصالات والإعلام