Photographer To Develop and Produce Educational Videos

RTP is seeking for an expert consultant to develop and produce educational videos for social media dissemination & video production. These videos could be delivered remotely to parents through whatsupp, Instagram, facebook, Youtube,  google, etc…

 (N.B. this consultancy only alludes to the video production & not social media dissemination & video content).

The purposes of these videos are:  

  • Increasing  the awareness of parents on how to create a positive learning environment for their children through a play based approach at home
  • Delivering tips for parents on how to deal positively and participate with their children through play and games
  • Monitoring  the progress of parents in fostering the positive learning environment

    .   Responsibilities, tasks and deliverables  

             A. Profile of prospective partner

  • Able to work and collaborate with the consultant who will create the content with UNRWA, Lebanese, Palestinian and others  community stakeholders.
  •        B. Tasks and deliverables  

  • The selected consultants will have to start with this required deliverable. This deliverable will be conducted with UNRWA,  Lebanese, Palestinian and others community stakeholders.






How to apply

Kindly refer to the attached TOR


The proposal must be submitted no later than Monday, June 4, 2021 to:

1-Mr. Kevork Dersarkissian, Logistics Coordinator, Right To Play Lebanon

at: [email protected]


 2-Mrs. Milia Jebran, Project Officer, Right To Play Lebanon 

at: [email protected]


N.B. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. 

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 04. يونيو 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الاتصالات والإعلام, تنمية
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
6 Months