Ensuring the Protection for women survivors of GBV from all nationalities Project

Key Of Life provides the best protection and mental health services, the activities are focused on case management, psychosocial support, awareness-raising activities, mental health committee establishing and coexistence initiatives.

الأهداف العامة: 
The project aims at strengthening the mental health services and interventions for communities suffered from GBV from all nationalities, by empowering individuals and mainstreaming protection and mental health wellbeing.
Key Of Life Provides for women and girl survivors of GBV and their children comprehensive and holistic services including:  Case management  Legal consultations  Psychotherapy and/or psychiatric services  Referral to related Services  Psychosocial Support and Awareness Raising Services
تاريخ البداية
جمعة, 01/01/2021 - 12:00pm to سبت, 01/01/2022 - 12:00pm
حالة المشروع
1 Year
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
حقوق الإنسان والحماية, الصحة النفسية, حالة وقضايا النساء
مكان المشروع:
Trabilsi Bldg, 2nd floor
tallet alKhayat
961 Beirut , Beirut
الهاتف: +96170695788
Beirut LB
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