Key Of Life works on helping people that got affected by the explosion of Beirut port on 4th of august 2020, depending on their needs, if they lost a family member, got hurt physically due to shattered glass, or got their homes destroyed due to the blast, or even are out of their jobs since their workplace got destroyed and are in need of financial, rehabilitation, food, clothes, medication or even psychological support.

الأهداف العامة: 
ensure the basic needs for the most affected Population from the 4th august explosion provide psychological first aid for the most affected Population from the 4th august explosion
Key of life was networking and coordinating with several local actors in order to ensure the proper delivery of services to the families in need, in this framework, Key Of Life Supported More than 500 Families based on the following criteria: • Families live in the explosion affected area • Family member injured from explosion • Families have widowed and divorced women • Families have pregnant women • Families have elderlies • Families have children with no work or financial resources Key Of LIFE believes in engaging the community in its intervention, an emergency community based committee was established in order to reach the affected People, this committee got empowered with 4 trainings: • Psychological first Aid training • needs assessment training • Code of conduct for child protection training • hotline response training
Key Of Life Supported More than 500 Families through 4th August relief project. • Key Of life Conducted more than 200 Assessments for Families affected Directly or indirectly from the explosion • Key Of Life referred 40 Cases to other services within local CBOs • Key Of life rehabilitated 5 houses with severe damages resulting from the explosion • Key of life Distributed: o 21 diapers for 21 Children o 20 Baby Milk for 20 Children o 23 clothes and footwear for 5 families o 100 Core relief Items for 100 Families o 130 Medicines to 30 Families • Key Of Life coordinated with Dar Zaytouna and distributed 37 food kits for 37 families in Ashrafieh, Karantina, Bourj Hamoud, Basta, Khandaa Ghamii’ and Tarek jdedeh. • Key Of Life coordinated with Food blessed and distributed 21 Food kits for 21 families directly And indirectly affected by the explosion in Karantina, Ashrafiyeh, Basta and Tarik Jdede, Chweifat and Tripoli • Key Of Life Coordinated with Intersos and Implemented a solidarity initiative when more than 200 school kits distributed for children in Karantina Area
تاريخ البداية
أربعاء, 05/08/2020 - 12:00pm to خميس, 31/12/2020 - 12:00pm
حالة المشروع
5 Months
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الصحة النفسية, خدمات الإغاثة, التدريب وبناء القدرات
مكان المشروع:
Trabilsi Bldg, 2nd floor
tallet alKhayat
961 Beirut , Beirut
الهاتف: +96170695788
Beirut LB
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى
Dar Zaytounah Food Blessed Intersos