ACCD - MASAR - Irrigation Canal: feasibility study, full project proposal and supervision of works

ACCD, with the technical support of experts from the Department of Agriculture of the Government of Catalonia, lead a preliminary assessment on the irrigation canal of Nahr el Bared crossing the UoM Oussat wa Sahel al Qyataa. The assessment identified critical deficiencies in the infrastructure preventing the governmental authorities and users from maximizing the use of the canal. These challenges include:

  • Absence of safety measures and proper road signs leading to recurrent road and safety incidents specifically involving children
  • Solid waste dumping and accumulation.
  • Uncontrolled wastewater discharges
  • Illegal housing construction, refugee informal settlement.
  • Decline in agriculture products in terms of quality and quantity due to the poor quality of water


As a result, ACCD in partnership with the local governments of the UoM Oussat wa Sahel al Qyataa will implement a quick impact pilot project on the irrigation canal of Nahr al Bared that focuses on the mandate of local governments as entry point. As such, the proposed intervention will concentrate on both “hard” and “soft” components – that is on hardware and small infrastructure improvements as well as on optimising management, institutional collaboration and community awareness campaigns. According to the preliminary study, the proposed interventions would be:

  • Safety measures along the canal for pedestrians and cars, affecting roads, traffic signs, etc. Focus on urban areas “black spots” where most of the car accidents or drownings occur. Fences, nets or other protection measures can be considered.
  • Prevention of Waste dumping in the canal. The expert/firm will analyse and propose the installation of safety fences (eg. Tramex) also serving the purpose of protecting solid waste accumulation.
  • Complementary to interventions undertaken by other international partners on the irrigation canal (for example FAO or IRC), ACCD can dedicate some project activities to cleaning solid waste in the urban areas including the secondary network of the canal. The firm will assess the needs in this regard and propose cleaning actions.
  • Study local solutions for the prevention of household wastewater discharges on the canal that can improve water quality. Sceptic tanks and other solutions can be considered.
  • Community awareness and advocacy programmes on protection, safety, waste prevention, wastewater discharge.
  • Recommendations to local governments for the management of urban planning and land use around the canal to determine usage and permits.


In accordance with the scope of the interventions described above, ACCD will select a firm for a three phase assignment: 1) feasibility study and preliminary project proposal; 2) full project proposal with detailed BoQ; and 3) supervision of the execution of works.

Phase 1 study will propose options for infrastructure improvement with preliminary bill of quantities. It is important to note that the maximum budget for the works to be implemented is 250.000 Euro. The resulting project document will provide a quantitative and detailed proposal for the infrastructure component and the suggested improvement, together with supportive capacity building programme that includes awareness for both community and local governments.

The technical study will be shared for consultation with the Water Establishment, the Union and specifically the five member municipalities through which the canal flows. Based on the results of this study, a final decision on the scope of the project and its specific activities will be taken by ACCD in consultation with the local governments and community through the Union committee.

The principles of good governance, institutional and financial sustainability and ownership by the local governments beyond the lifespan of MASAR project will be critical in the definition of the work plan.

Considering that the North Lebanon Water Establishment (NLWE) is the mandated authority to manage irrigation infrastructure and water distribution, the study must take into account their role in approving and supervising works. Furthermore, it must analyse the relationship between NLWE and the local governments.

How to apply

In the attached documents to the call, you will find all the instructions on how to apply, please read them carefully and submit all the requested information and documents. 

Please take into account the following instructions: 

All correspondence and documents related to the tender exchanged by the tenderer and the Contracting Authority must be written in English.

If the supporting documents and printed publications shared by the tenderers are in another language, tenderers wil provided a translation into the language of the procedure. For the purposes of interpreting the tender, the language of the procedure has prevalence.

The selected tender shall include a signed "Declaration of honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria".

The selected tender shall provide a duly authorised signature: anofficial document (statutes, power of attorney, notary statement, etc.) prooving that the person who signs on behalf of the company/joint venture/consortium is duly authorised to do so. And a completed Financial Identification form to indicate the bank account into which payments should be made if the tender is successful.

The Financial offer must be presented as an amount in Euros (please contact us for the Financial offer template)

Tenderers are reminded that the maximum budget available for this contract, is as stated in the contract notice.

Deadline: 17/12/2020.

To be sent to: 

Contact: Ochando Szaroletta, Nicole

Address: Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament

Via Laietana, 14

08003 - Barcelona


E-mail:  [email protected]




منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 17. ديسمبر 2020
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
زراعة, تنمية, بيئة, إعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية والخدمات, نظافة المياه والصرف الصحي