Deutsche Welthungerhilfe
International CSO
LHDF Member:
Contact Info:
Lennart Lehmann, lennart.lehmann@welthungerhilfe.de, +905 (49) 201 4623
Intervention Date:
الخميس, 13 آب 2020
Hotline Available:
Hotline Info:
Operation Locations:
Carantina, Zkak Lblat , Khandaa Lghamii, Basta, Borj Abi Haidar, Salim Slam, Saifi, Dawra, and Borej Hamood; Burj Barajneh, Shatila, Sabra
Intervention Types:
Support to Micro Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) (Livelihoods)
Financial assistance/ cash (Livelihoods)
Cleaning and Waste Management (Reconstruction)
Funding (Support to aid and relief efforts)
Assessment Conducted:
Assessment Details:
Assessment conducted in Karantina, Zqaq El Blat, Khanda' Ghami', Basta, Borj hammoud, Borj Abi Haidar, Salim Slam, Saife and Daoura
Assessment Summary:
78 shops identified that require support in repair
Intervention First Priority:
Support to Micro Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) (Livelihoods)
Intervention Second Priority:
Financial assistance/ cash (Livelihoods)
Intervention Third Priority:
Cleaning and Waste Management (Reconstruction)