Analysis on the feasibility of the water trucking and dislodging services in the (ITS).


The objective of this consultancy is to provide to the UNICEF LCO with an analysis on the feasibility, opportunities, risks, extent and relevance to the national scale-up of the monetization pilot of the water trucking and dislodging services in the Informal Tented Settlements (ITS).  This analysis should guide UNICEF LCO management in determining which of the models -direct provision of services or monetization-  would be the most adapted to respond to beneficiaries needs, the necessary provision of minimum standards of quality services, and the requirements to provide the most cost-effective solutions.

Scope of Work:

The consultant will carry out consultations with UNICEF WASH, Social Policy and Operations sections, UNICEF LOUISE partners, Services Providers, Beneficiaries, ITS WASH committees, beneficiaries, Municipalities and local governments as well as other relevant actors, relevant literature review with a view to provide UNICEF LCO with a documented feasibility analysis of the scalability of a potential monetization of direct service provision in water trucking and dislodging in Informal Tented Settlements at national level. Analysis of the pilot conducted in Mount Lebanon will be the basis of the study. The consultancy should provide documented guidance to the Office on -but not limited to-  relevance, cost-effectiveness, impact, risks and mitigation measures,  coverage, stakeholder perspectives and sustainability of scale-up of monetization of WASH service provision.  In addition to the consultations with key stakeholders, FGD, market and supply chain analysis will be part of the tools to use to conduct the study.

How to apply

Proposals should be sent by email ONLY to [email protected] in two separate emails not later than 12:00h, 27 January 2019: one email for the technical proposal and one email for the financial proposal.

- Email for technical proposal:

Subject line of the email must indicate: LRPS number- name of your company- technical proposal. The email must include: The technical proposal only without prices.

- Email for price proposal:

Subject line of the email must indicate: LRPS number- name of your company- price proposal. The email must include: The price proposal.

Proposals sent in another manner will be invalid.


The reference LRPS- 9155168 must be shown in the e-mail's subject.



Please note that any inquiries related to this request will be acceptable through e-mail ONLY ([email protected] & [email protected]) and will not be considered through phone calls.


Please confirm receiving this email and your intention to bid.



Terms of Reference

LRPS 9155168

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 27. يناير 2020
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
السكان النازحون, إعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية والخدمات, السكان / المستوطنات البشرية, بحوث ودراسات, نظافة المياه والصرف الصحي