Norwegian Peoples Aid invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of six brand new white pickups with double cabins and four wheel drive.

BID NOTICE                                                                            

ITB No: ITB23119001

The project will consist of (purchasing 6 pick-up trucks (double cabins). The project is supported primarily by the (EU) and with the commencement of the program there is a need to procure the equipment listed below.

Norwegian Peoples Aid invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the following equipment


Description:   Brand New Pickup Trucks 4WD – Double Cabin

Quantity:        6 units


Interested eligible bidders may obtain a complete set of ITB documents by email upon request to the address given below, or alternatively by hand from the NPA Project Office in Beirut Monday to Friday between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

Bids must be delivered to the physical address given below before COB 02.09.2019

ITB documents may be applied for online at the following address [email protected]

or in person from the following physical address

Norwegian Peoples Aid

Ramlet Al Bayda – Trad Streed

Zeidna Building – 1st Floor

Beirut, Lebanon

Any further inquiries should be in writing and submitted before the 09.08.2019



How to apply

      1. Bids are required to be submitted to NPA Lebanon no later than 15:00 on 02.09.2019                                                                                       
      2. Bids must be submitted in the English language in two complete sets

 One complete set of originals in a sealed envelope marked “Original”

 One complete set of copies in a sealed envelope marked “Copy”

      1. The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or handwritten in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorised to sign on behalf of the bidder. All pages except for un amended printed literature shall be initialled by the person signing the bid.
      2. Any alterations, erasures or overwriting shall be initialled by the person signing the bid.   
      3. The sealed envelopes containing the original and copy of the bid shall then be enclosed in a single outer envelope/package.
      4. Both the inner and outer envelopes shall be marked clearly with
  • The ITB number (indicated in 3.1 ITB Data sheet)
  • The name of the NPA official/contact person (indicated above)
  • The NPA delivery address for bid submissions (indicated in 3.1 ITB Data sheet)
  • The name and address of the bidding company
      1. It is the exclusive responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the sealed envelope/package containing the proposal reaches the above address before the time and date indicated above.
      2. All quotations, costs, prices, charges, discounts and other shall be indicated in USD
      3. Bids delivered to any other NPA office other than specified above will not be accepted.
      4. Bids received after the above-mentioned closing time or deadline or by fax or email will not be accepted.
      5. Bids that are incomplete or illegible will not be accepted
      6. Bids may be modified or withdrawn in writing, prior to the closing time as specified in the ITB. Bids may not be modified or withdrawn after that time
      7. A public opening of bids will take place on the date indicated above by the approved NPA Lebanon bid opening committee in our Tyr Office. No price or award will be announced at the time of the opening.
      8. For queries or questions related to this ITB, please contact the NPA official/contact person as indicated above.


منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 02. سبتمبر 2019
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
حقوق الإنسان والحماية