Invitation to Bid For the Rehabilitation of 2 schools in Akkar and 1 school in Bekaa

GVC, AN Italian NGO, is implementing a project ““SCALE - Social Cohesion through Accessible Learning Environments” – with project code CS/11263/06 Funded by AICS, REF GVC/AICS /Lebanon/2019/ OLT 01 and launches an national call for Tender, for the rehabilitation of 3 schools (Construction Works Contracts).

GVC is inviting contractors to submit offers for the following lots:

Lot 1: Rehabilitation of Bebnine, Public School for Girls  

             Delivery point: Akkar

             Delivery expected by: 8 weeks from contract signature

Lot 2:  Rehabilitation of Tall Bire Mixed Public School

           Delivery point: Akkar

        Delivery expected by: 8 weeks from contract signature

Lot 3: School rehabilitation of Nabi Osmane Intermediate public school

           Delivery point: North Bekaa

           Delivery expected by: 8 weeks from contract signature

How to apply

Contractors can bid on 1 or more lots.

Eligible Bidders are those with official Company registration, a fully filled, signed and submitted tender dossier.


The Tender Dossier will be available from Monday the 24th June until Friday the 5th July.

Bidders can collect the dossier from following email address:

[email protected]

Or from the following address:

GVC Office

Tony Wehbe Building 1st floor, Main Street 3821,

Kobayat, Akkar, Lebanon

Collection Hours: Monday to Friday, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM (please Hassan on +961 81477526

Before coming).

An information session and Site visits at respective locations will be scheduled, bidders MUST register their attendance as these dates/ times are subject to change.


All interested Bidders are invited to submit their Offers to above address, by Monday 8th July by 12:00, by hand or registered Courier service (DHL) to GVC office in Kobayat at above address.

Late bids will be rejected.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الاثنين, 08. يوليو 2019
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
إعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية والخدمات