PU-AMI is looking for a psychologist able to offer the below services: Lead regular awareness sessions on stress management, vicarious trauma and risk of burn-out for all PU-AMI front lines employees (collective sessions), Ensure psychological support through private consultations (upon request), and On-call support for defusing sessions in the case of serious incident.


Content of the mission

1. Awareness sessions:

General objective: Provide PU-AMI employees with general knowledge about stress management, the risk of vicarious trauma and burnout for aid workers.

Specific objective: Employees knows more about the effects of vicarious exposure on their level of stress, they are familiar with the different types of stress, how to assess their own level of stress, they are aware with coping-mechanisms and how to release cumulative stress in order to avoid burnout symptoms.

One collective session to be held in all PU-AMI offices, in LEBANON.  


2. Private consultations:

General objective: Offer all PU-AMI employees the possibility of having psychotherapy consultation

Specific objective: Employees facing high level of stress affecting their motivation or mental health will be encouraged to be supported though private psychotherapy consultations.

Private consultations upon request to be held at the Provider’s consulting office.


3. Defusing:

General objective Provide PU-AMI employee with a defusing session in the event of a serious incident on the field.

Specific objective: Employees victims of an incident are able to defuse in order to reduce the impact of such event on their mental health and motivation.

On-call support.



PU-AMI will have the responsibility of the collective sessions’ organization (participant’s invitation and transportation, availability of the training room, logistic support for the projection equipment, refreshments). PU-AMI will ensure the consultant’s transportation in all PU-AMI’s offices.



The consultant must provide the following elements:

- Resume, diplomas & credentials

- A training outline and a detailed summary of each session with the pedagogic support in English.



Mandatory requirements

  • Language skills: Fluent in English, Fluency in Arabic is a plus
  • Education degree: Diploma in psychology
  • Work experience: Several years’ experience as a practitioner

  + Previous experience in leading similar awareness sessions.

  + Previous experience in supporting Aidworkers and knowledge of the humanitarian sector

  • Computer skills: Power Point
  • Other:

- Excellent communication and animation skills

- Strong experience in training

How to apply


         Expressions of interest should be sent before February 6th, 2019

To ensure consideration, your complete, detailed Call for Expression of Interest must be submitted to the following address:

By e-mail, Interested suppliers should send the required qualification documents in PDF format to [email protected]

By mail, to PU-AMI office:

In Beirut: Nehmeh Bldg, Sanine Street, Ain El Remmaneh, Chiyah, Beirut


Please indicate in the e-mail or in the envelope subject field:



- send an updated CV and resume of previous relevant consultancy missions in similar trainings

- send a technical offer including: methodology, detailed plan of the training, tools that will be used, the agenda of the training (including precise duration in hours of each session)

- A detailed bill of the delivery of service. Daily or hourly rate should be clearly mentioned.



منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 06. فبراير 2019
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل: