United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization - Resources

United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization

نوع المنظمة: 
وكالة تابعة للأمم المتحدة



This report presents issues within tertiary education for young Syrian refugees in Lebanon. It is part of a broader regional study commissioned by UNESCO.


It is well known that the cultural norms and the patriarchal society in Lebanon contribute to encouraging discrimination and any form of violence against women and children.

United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization

تشارك بما تقوم به حاليا بعض الجهات (جمعيات، تجمعات، أفراد...) في مجال التدخل التربوي (دعم اجتماعي نفسي للشباب والأطفال، نشاطات متنوعة مع الشباب والأطفال...) في الضاحية والبقاع والجنوب واحتمالات تدخل اليونسكو

United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization

Review of marginalisation of people with disabilities in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Using a social exclusion conceptual framework, this paper identifies several causes of marginalization of people with disabilities in the context of the MENA region.

United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization