التبويبات الأساسية
Social Workers' Syndicate in Lebanon
The basic values and principles of the Social Workers’ Syndicate in Lebanon and of social work :
- Psychosocial health is a basic right for every human being
- Professionalism
- Social responsibility
- Equality and social justice
- Situational analysis
- Excellence and creativity
- Transparency and accountability
The Syndicate’s objectives:
1. Strengthen the Syndicate’s status and role in Lebanon, the Arab region and the world.
2. Organize the Syndicate’s administrative structure.
3. Strengthen the social work profession in the Lebanese society and protect the rights of professionals.
The Syndicate’s strategy:
1. Build a public relations network with local civil society organizations and international and regional organizations operating in Lebanon and in the Arab world.
2. Communicate with the current and potential members of the Syndicate and network with their institutions.
3. Strengthen the social work profession on the legal level.
The Syndicate’s programs and activities:
1. Capacity building program for social workers
2. Awareness program about the profession
3. Networking program with stakeholders (universities, trade unions, ministries, etc.)
4. Social marketing program
5. Advocacy program for human rights and national social issues
6. Conferences serving the profession’s interest and about social issues
7. Follow-up of professionals
8. Monitoring and evaluation system