Association Najdeh s Income Generating Projects (loan program) are an integral extension of its social development program directed at the Palestinian community in Lebanon. The project's aim is to help in enabling marginalized social groups to become active and effective actors in the development needs of their community.

Association Najdeh gives priority to the empowerment of women and the strengthening of their economic role within society. Since the acquisition of skills is one of the main conditions for facilitating women s entry into productive economic activities, Najdeh s Vocational Training program offers a broad spectrum of courses in various fields and encourages graduates to apply for loans to make use of their newly acquired abilities. In the long term, this will afford women and their families the opportunity to become financially self-sufficient and in turn will contribute positively to the development process within the community and society at large.

Association Najdeh's Income Generating program also includes production activities within existing Najdeh training and social centers.

الأهداف العامة: 
Overall Objective Enabling marginalized social groups to become active and effective actors in the development needs of their community.
- Granting small loans to the clients in the targets area according to the selection criteria - Conducting production activities
تاريخ البداية
أحد, 17/05/1998 - 3:00am
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
مكان المشروع:
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى
Micro-Credit Project (TMCP) first started its lending operations in 1998. The project finance by International organization, SIDI and Christian Aid (CA). At the level of local coordination IGP finance by the PU.