Empowerment, Employment And Advocacy: Addressing Gender Inequality For Palestinian Women Refugees In Lebanon Project
Total duration of action 36 months, starting 1st January 2013 Objectives of the action Overall objective: Increased gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Palestinian refugee community of Lebanon. Specific Objectives: 1. To increase women’s empowerment through providing women with access to skills training, employment and participation in decision making structures. 2. To combat negative gender stereotyping through advocacy work at national and local level and through awareness-raising on women’s rights and issues concerning domestic violence. 3. To build capacity, promote learning and information sharing within AN, CAFOD and through the gender networks AISHA and PWF Partner Association Najdeh Target groups 1) Disadvantaged Palestinian refugees with no or very limited income in Ein El Hilweh, Beddawi and Nahr el Bared camps, including female headed households, young women and girls in large families and families that have a member who has a disability or chronic disease. 2) Association Najdeh 3) Member organisations of AISHA network. Final beneficiaries Direct beneficiaries include the 6,200 Palestinian refugees (70% women) and their household members, totalling 27,900; 30 staff of AN; AISHA network staff. Indirect beneficiaries include communities in other camps and gatherings in Lebanon, AISHA network beneficiaries across Middle East, and beneficiaries of other CAFOD gender programmes. Estimated results 1) Palestinians refugee families are better able to meet their economic and social needs through increased access to jobs for women. 2) Innovative ways of addressing gender inequality and negative gender stereotyping are piloted resulting in an increase in the number of women participating and making decisions in local committees. 3) There is reduced incidence of domestic violence through widespread awareness-raising and strengthened support mechanisms for those suffering from gender based violence. 4)Improved knowledge of CEDAW and the Istanbul Framework of Action and its implications amongst both the Lebanese and Palestinian community, and cooperation with key decision makers leads to the lifting of the Lebanese Government’s reservations on CEDAW articles 9, 16, and 29. 5) Learning is shared and replicated within gender networks and in CAFOD programmes to promote women’s empowerment. 6) Association Najdeh is skilled in identifying the impact of its interventions and has demonstrated improved upward and downward accountability. Main activities 1. Set up of Programme (Office set up, Project Planning Workshop, Selection of beneficiaries, baseline survey) 2. Access to Employment (Vocational training courses, awareness raising, job placement and right to work campaign, M&E) 3. Leadership and decision making (leadership training, formation of women’s committees, M&E) 4. Violence against Women (Service provision, support groups, awareness raising, domestic violence survey, and M&E 5. CEDAW and Istanbul Framework (Follow up, awareness raising, lobbying Government and M&E) 6. Learning (development of resources, learning events and M&E) 7. Strengthening AN Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity to Enhance Accountability