An Art Exhibition By Syrian Refugee Children"light Against Darkness"

Najdanow International is honored to invite you to attend the art exhibition of Syrian refugee children.
The opening  will be in the presence of children, where they will be signing their book, the book includes all the paintings and works in the exhibition.At the end of the exhibition, there will be an auction for the sale of a number of paintings, proceeds will go to support the project 'psychosocial support for children'.
The exhibition is the result of a workshop held over the past three months supervised by the painters Oruba Deeb & Nour Shantout.
OpeningFriday February 21st at 5:30pm,will continue till March 2nd, open daily: 11am-8pmVenue: Souk El Arwam, Beirut Souks
تتشرف مؤسسة نجدة ناو انترناشيونال بدعوتكم لحضور معرض للاطفال اللاجئين السوريين، سيتم افتتاح المعرض بحضور الأطفال المشاركين حيث سيقوم الأطفال بتوقيع كتابهم الذي يضمن كافة اللوحات والاعمال الموجودة في المعرض.سيكون هناك في ختام المعرض مزاد لبيع عدد من اللوحات سيعود ريعها لدعم مشروع الدعم النفسي للأطفال

Add to my Calendar An Art Exhibition By Syrian Refugee Children"light Against Darkness" Najdanow International is honored to invite you to attend the art exhibition of Syrian refugee children. The opening  will be in the presence of children, where they will be signing their book, the book includes all the paintings and works in the exhibition.At the end of the exhibition, there will be an auction for the sale of a number of paintings, proceeds will go to support the project 'psychosocial support for children'. The exhibition is the result of a workshop held over the past three months supervised by the painters Oruba Deeb & Nour Shantout. OpeningFriday February 21st at 5:30pm,will continue till March 2nd, open daily: 11am-8pmVenue: Souk El Arwam, Beirut Souks   تتشرف مؤسسة نجدة ناو انترناشيونال بدعوتكم لحضور معرض للاطفال اللاجئين السوريين، سيتم افتتاح المعرض بحضور الأطفال المشاركين حيث سيقوم الأطفال بتوقيع كتابهم الذي يضمن كافة اللوحات والاعمال الموجودة في المعرض.سيكون هناك في ختام المعرض مزاد لبيع عدد من اللوحات سيعود ريعها لدعم مشروع الدعم النفسي للأطفال Organizer 2014-02-21 02:00:00 2014-02-21 02:00:00 Asia/Beirut public
Start/End Date and Time
جمعة, 21/02/2014 - 2:00am
Event Location:
Venue – Souk El Arwam – Beirut Souks
Event Type: