Mompreneurs _Lebanon - About

Mompreneurs _Lebanon
التبويبات الأساسية
Mompreneurs Lebanon is a leading Lebanese non-profit organization established in 2018.
From an online platform to well established Lebanese NGO , our successful community is
based on basic principles dedicated to bringing the businesses of mom - entrepreneurs into
recognition and developing communication , entrepreneurship and digital marketing skills .
This is targeted through establishing communication and channels to connect women in
business and provide support, training and empowerment for the female entrepreneurship
journey.As one of the newly established NGO in Lebanon, Mompreneurs is keen to support women
and especially mothers aiming to run a business without sacrificing family commitments, and to
inspire them believe that it is possible to live a happy and successful life while utilizing their full
potential. In our aim to achieve this target, we seek to offer useful connections among
members , encourage business collaborations and build trust relationships. In addition, we are
targeted to organize workshops, trainings , business exhibitions and social events to support the
development of professional business path. Based on this commitment, we aim to provide
affordable ways for female entrepreneurs to promote their businesses both locally and nationally
while offering free business consultancy/mentorship for our members and supporting the
online presence of selected brands.