Call for Applications from Community Based Organisations (CBOs) in North, Central and West Bekaa


Medair, Tearfund, and ACCTS propose, in partnership with CBOs, a community-based project with the purpose to strengthen the protection mechanisms for Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities in Lebanon – funded by the EU Regional Trust Fund ‘Madad’. The core of this project is a package of interventions and messages called Healthy Family, Peaceful House (HFPH), which focuses on maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH), reproductive health (RH), and psychosocial support (PSS) topics, including Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV). The timeframe of the project is two years, with 18 months engagement from CBOs.

Messages from the HFPH package will be delivered through Care Group Volunteers (CGV) managed by CBOs and through Community Health Volunteers (CHV) managed by Medair. All volunteers will engage in different outreach activities, such as sessions at mosques/churches, workshops, focus group discussions, health promotion/awareness events, and peer support groups. Trauma-care workshops for men and women will also be provided within community groups. These workshops will address wider conflict-related trauma and SGBV trauma, as well as identify individuals who have more severe trauma and are in need of more personal, in-depth intervention, or referral to trauma care counsellors who will facilitate sessions in the communities.

Medair is releasing this call for Community Based Organisations to recruit and train volunteers to deliver the HFPH package. Volunteers will be organised into Care Groups of 8-12 volunteers, overseen by a Care Group Champion under the supervision of each CBO.

Expected Project Results

  1. Women, girls, men, and boys (WGMB) receive the “Healthy Family, Peaceful House” package messages
  2. WGMB are informed about available services and resources for MNCH, RH, and PSS (including SGBV)
  3. Women, especially mothers, are empowered to discuss family planning and PSS issues with trained service providers
  4. Women, especially pregnant women and mothers, access ANC at least 4 times during pregnancy and at least 1 PNC consultation
  5. WGMB have improved understanding, increased awareness of, and capacity to cope with trauma and access available MNCH, RH, and PSS services and support
  6. Improved capacity of community leaders to support WGMB to access MNCH, RH, and PSS services and support

Roles and responsibilities

CBO’s role and responsibilities:

  • Manage and support their Care Group Champion
  • Monitor and support their Care Group Volunteers, by joining household visits and promoting the work of the Care Group Volunteers in their communities as often as possible. This community-based modality focuses on ‘recovery’ and ‘resilience’, aimed at building deeper relationships to provide more sustainability and a longer-term impact.
  • Identify beneficiaries/trainees for different HFPH trainings
  • Participate in trainings and observe some workshops/sessions as part of capacity building
  • Provide regular feedback to the Consortium to improve partnerships and project implementation
  • To make their facilities available for free for different HFPH trainings


The Consortium’s role and responsibilities:

The Consortium will provide continuous support to CBOs, as well as supervision for the Care Group Champions throughout the project. Towards this, the consortium will


  • Build up the necessary capacity of the CBOs involved
  • Conduct the necessary training of all Volunteers, including
  • Training of CBO key persons in agreed topics
  • Training of trainers (ToT) for Care Group Champions and Medair CHVs, to ensure that all participants have a shared understanding of the HFPH content. The ToT curriculum will include elements of HFPH, as well as, the Care Group Model – an evidencebased, volunteer-delivered model for social and behavioural change.
  • Training of women about healthy relationship in families and SGBV etc.
  • Monitor Care Group progress against expected results
  • Assist each CBO with technical expertise on an ongoing basis
  • Provide each CBO with materials necessary for carrying out their trainings
  • Provide stipends for Care Group Champions for 15 working days per month. Note that Care Group Volunteers will not receive a stipend.


Invitation to Apply

All interested and eligible CBOs (see criteria below) are invited to apply for support to implement the project described above.


The CBO selection process is as follows:


Phase 1:

CBOs are invited to apply to participate in this project.

The selection criteria for CBOs include (at a minimum):

  • Non-governmental, non-profit, non-international
  • Formally registered through the appropriate registration processes (including with relevant ministries and assemblies)
  • Must be operational with recognisable geographical areas in Bekaa and be ready to provide supporting evidence

In addition, the organisations should have:

  • A bank account operated by more than one signatory
  • Positive references from beneficiaries and authorities
  • An existing governance structure, providing accountability for programmes and finances
  • An organisational set-up that allows for integration of volunteers
  • Availability of facilities for project use
  • Demonstrated alignment with Humanitarian Principles


Phase 1 includes support for Care Group Champion stipends, and inclusion in this phase allows CBOs to send staff/members through the entire ToT


Phase 2:

Up to 4 CBOs in Bekaa will be selected to receive sub-grants (up to €900) for further community-level RH and PSS support.

CBOs that enter this phase must demonstrate that they have:

  • Successfully implemented the Care Group Model
  • Initiated the implementation of community outreach events with HFPH themes, and monitored them using the tools provided
  • Positive feedback from beneficiaries about their work on HFPH delivery
  • Vetted through the Consortium’s Selection process


CBOs will develop a project application with a scope of activities that might include other topics, which might be supported through sub-grants. CBOs that complete Phase 2 with excellence will receive a special certification.


How to apply


Procedures for submission

One week after this call for applications is issued, the Consortium will conduct information sessions in Zahle for interested CBOs in order to provide additional guidance. Please contact Farah on 71 072 769 for details on the date / times of these sessions.



An application must be submitted by Friday, 15th June.

The application can be submitted either:

  1. Electronically with the subject line clearly indicating “Submission of Application: Healthy Family Peaceful House”  to [email protected], or
  2. In hard copy, clearly stating “Submission of Application: Healthy Family Peaceful House” to the following address:


FAO: Farah Darwiche

Medair Zahle

Al Mousawi – Lecico Building 2nd floor

Zahle Baalbek Highway

Zahle, Lebanon


After shortlisting the Consortium will visit the interested CBOs during the month of June to verify the information given in the Application Form and to collect more information.


منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 22. يونيو 2018
نوع الدعوة
دعوة للمشاركة‬
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
قضايا النوع الاجتماعي, الصحة, الصحة النفسية, اللاجئين, التدريب وبناء القدرات