Study On Situation Of Youth In Akkar - دراسة حول واقع شباب عكار‎

Mada, funded by the Canadian International Development Agency through the Regional Human Rights Peace building Fund
is happy to present you the study:
“The Voice of Akkari Youth: Calling for a Better Tomorrow”
The study aims to provide an insight into the reality of young man and women living in the marginalized region of Akkar, the challenges they face in their daily life and what they need to be able to reach their full potential. This document is a helpful tool for any donors, development or governmental actors, who wish to work on youth issues in Akkar. The study addresses 5 key areas of intervention for youth development: health, education, economy, political sphere and social sphere. Situational analyses, including statistics and challenges are given for each priority area, followed by clear recommendations based on the expressed needs of youth and adults in Akkar.
The study is a collaborative effort by the Akkari Youth Platform and Association Mada, meant as advocacy document to voice the concerns of youth in Akkar and mobilize the biggest number of actors to work on improving the living conditions of youth in this region and supporting them in moving towards the actualisation of their rights.
Please feel free to further disseminate this study. A hard copy is available at Mada's office in Beirut.

Mada Association
تاريخ النشر: 
الخميس, 1 مارس 2012
نوع المورد: 
Studies and Reports
Canadian International Development Agency