Call for Training Consultant for Information & Communication Technology

Terms of Reference
Call for Training Consultant for Information & Communication Technology

About Lebanon Support
Lebanon Support is an independent non-governmental, non-religious, non-political, and non-profit making information and research center. Established in 2006, Lebanon Support was registered as a National Non-Governmental Organisation in November 2008 (registered under the number 168/2009 AD). Lebanon Support aims at enhancing civil society capacity, efficiency and effectiveness through the creation of public spaces for reflection, collaboration and debate on and for civil society in Lebanon. Lebanon Support adopts a multidisciplinary approach and evidence and fact based methodologies in civil society work in Lebanon so as to support and develop a civic voice and a better impact towards better accountability and societal change in Lebanon. Within this framework Lebanon Support focuses on information and knowledge sharing and management, production and delivery; as it is within Lebanon Support’s beliefs, that information and knowledge are at the heart of developing adequate strategies and interventions to reduce existing vulnerabilities and marginalisation in the country. Lebanon Support is currently implementing three main programmes: Daleel Madani, launched in 2006, an online collaborative platform for civil society news and services; and the Civil Society Knowledge Centre, launched in 2013,  is the first and most developed online platform for  research and knowledge management for civil society organisations, professionals, academics, and activists in Lebanon; The Civil Society Incubator, officially launched in 2016, which provides tailored support and mentoring to civil society actors in Lebanon.

Project Background
Lebanon Support, in partnership with ACTED, is undertaking EuropeAid’s funded 11CUO 87D-ENPI/2016/377-249 project “Toward an active participation of civil society in the reform process.”

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to a more enabling environment for civil society in Lebanon, fostering the engagement of civil society organisations, both at a policy and local development level, through the implementation of the “EU roadmap for Engagement with Civil Society in Lebanon.” Thus, the project aims to strengthen the role and contributions of CSOs, in policy making at the local and national levels in the fields of health, education, and environment (including water and energy). Moreover, the project will strengthen the role and contributions of CSOs to the local development process in addressing basic needs of marginalised groups in rural areas.

The first cycle of trainings provided by Lebanon Support consultants will be done within the 6 month period of October 2017-March 2018. These trainings will prioritise 2 topics: Organisational Management, Financial Management.

The second cycle of training will be conducted from May 2018- December 2018 and will focus on three modules.  The 3 topics of training in the second cycle are: Communication and Visibility, Information Communication Technology (ICT), and Research Methods (including data collection, etc), as to continue and complete the training for all targeted CSOs.

Each Module training will take place over 2 days and will be conducted in Arabic or English as needed.

Participating civil society organisations may also opt into full day on-the-job mentoring, following their attendance in a minimum of 2 module trainings. Consultants will also thus provide support on their Module and expertise to CSOs that require tailored mentorship.  These mentorships will be completed before December 2019.

The project targets 50 CSOs in Akkar, Tripoli, Sour, Saida, Nabatiyeh, Matn, Baadba and Beirut and Lebanon Support will be implementing activities with 50 CSOs in the targeted areas.

Training and Mentoring Tasks
The training will cover Information & Communication Technology related topics for civil society organisations working in Lebanon, including but not limited to google apps (email, cloud, analytics, docs), social media communications (Facebook, Daleel Madani, LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube), website (sections and categorisation), ICT & M&E, etc.

Under the supervision of the Project Manager, Director of Publications, and Head of Research, the trainer’s main tasks include:

  • Identifying the needs, challenges, and opportunities amongst civil society actors regarding the topic of  Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Developing a curriculum and a training methodology that will build CSOs ICT capacity via a 12-15 page  Information & Communication Technology Module (to be published online by Lebanon Support) and along with other necessary and external training materials, among these, Powerpoint presentations, workshop exercises, ICT tools/resources, handouts for attendees, etc.
  • Before finalisation of the training Module, submit a draft version of the Module (see above bullet point) to ACTED and Lebanon Support for feedback, and integrate any feedback from partners into the curriculum within 2 weeks, and submit a final version. Upon trainings, the consultant may also choose to amend the Module as to better tailor it to CSO needs, challenges and opportunities.
  • Facilitate and conduct 3 trainings (each training being 2 full days) and capacity building for civil society organisation in target areas using the module and external training materials adapted to the CSO’s context, i.e. to the level of the CSOs capacity
  • Ensure that training components and activities are implemented as outlined in the project proposal in accordance with Lebanon Support and ACTED policies and regulations;
  • Ensure all activities and deliverables are developed, published, and handed in on time to Project Manager and Director of Publications
  • Plan and provide support during the training of CSOs on information and communication technology
  • Conduct on-going monitoring and evaluation on own project trainings to ensure that the focus, strategies and activities remain relevant for the beneficiaries and to propose adjustments when needed throughout the training cycle;
  • Ensure to take and maintain minutes of meetings; accurately draft and provide training or workshop summaries/reports.
  • Plan and provide support during on-the-job mentoring and coaching of CSOs regarding Information & Communication Technology, as requested
  • Maintain ongoing communication with project stakeholders regarding project progress and challenges;
  • Work as a team player providing relevant assistance to colleagues and ensuring that project components, for which he/she is responsible, are interlinked;

Pre- and post-training survey requirements
In coordination with others within this project, the Information & Communication Technology consultant will be entrusted with developing pre- and post-test questions, as part of a greater survey, to determine the level of knowledge and skills of  trainees vis-à-vis the Information & Communication Technology trainings. The pre-test and post-test surveys are the same and they are delivered before the start date of the trainings and after the last session.

The consultant is expected to ensure the following:

  • Fulfill the entire contract period- for the delivery of 1. the development and submission of training curriculum, module, and other relevant resources, 2. Two cycles of trainings (estimated 3 trainings for each thematic training topic)  (as described above in “Project Background”), and 3. On-the-job mentoring for CSOs.
  • The consultant will finalise the training curriculum and Module across a period of 10 weeks in a total of 14 working days, including submission of Module for feedback to Lebanon Support and ACTED and integration of feedback into the final version of the Module.
  • Submit training module/powerpoint/materials for distribution, publication, etc to Lebanon Support.
  • Understand  and consider that trainings and mentorings must be decided in consultation with interested trainees to maximise attendance and avoid drop outs.

Consultants will be compensated  300EUR a day, paid in USD and according to the monthly conversion rate, for the development of the module and training material. All training materials should be developed within 14 working days within a 10 week span.

Consultants will also be compensated 300EUR a day, paid in USD and according to the monthly conversion rate, per training day, totalling to 600EUR per 2 day module training.

Lastly, the same amount (300 EUR) will be paid to consultants for each full day of on-the-job mentorship.

Additionally, Lebanon Support will cover all necessary transportation or accommodation costs for trainings and mentorships outside of Beirut.

Consultant Specifications

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree in Information & Communication Technology, Computer Sciences, Computer Engineering, or relevant disciplines from an accredited University, Master’s is desirable
  • Minimum 5 years of working experience with an NGO in delivering trainings, developing sessions and manuals, managing learning cycle and testing sessions for efficacy
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Arabic are a must (trainings will be delivered in Arabic)
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office and email
  • Experience in capacity building of local civil society organisations
  • Ability to be flexible in working hours
  • High ability to analyse and address the local needs and challenges CSOs face in Lebanon
  • Proactive and autonomous with tasks and duties, foreseeing challenges and delays
  • Systematic and organised
  • High ability to work calmly and efficiently under pressure, prioritise tasks and meet tight deadlines
  • Excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills, creativity and flexibility
  • Ability to respect and maintain confidentiality
  • Non-judgmental attitude and respect for Lebanon Support’s beneficiaries, other staff and people that Lebanon Support works with


Applications should be submitted in English and have an attached CV (detailing all relative experience and education- along with dates), a cover letter in addition to two (2) references and a module outline proposal. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Please send applications to contact@lebanon-support by 31st of December 2017, including "Trainer for ICT" in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No phone calls please.

How to apply


Applications should be submitted in English and have an attached CV (detailing all relative experience and education- along with dates), a cover letter in addition to two (2) references and a module outline proposal. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Please send applications to contact@lebanon-support by 31st of December 2017, including "Trainer for ICT" in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No phone calls please.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأحد, 31. ديسمبر 2017
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الاتصالات والإعلام, التدريب وبناء القدرات