Lebanese Center For Civic Education - About

Lebanese Center For Civic Education
التبويبات الأساسية
The Lebanese Center for Civic Education LCCE is a Non Governmental Organization working since 2007 to empower youth and women to be change makers in their communities.
LCCE supports youth and women living in disadvantaged communities in Lebanon to transform their lives for the better by equipping them with adequate knowledge and skills to actively participate in building prosperity and equality in their communities.
LCCE Main Fields of Activities:
– Community Development & Youth Economic Empowerment
Developing Curricula on Entrepreneurship, soft skills development, and vocational trainings
Facilitating youth and women access to labor market
Building youth skills and knowledge on entrepreneurship
Developing social cohesion approach and acceptance of others at communities level
- Civic Engagement
Civic and non-sectarian culture
Strengthening the culture of human rights among youth
Strengthening the culture of conflict resolution using democratic and non violent means
Developing curricula and interactive teaching modules for schools on civic and human rights issues
Strengthening the internal capacities of civil society
Suggestion of legal and legislative alternatives
Exchanging experiences in a culture of dialogue
– Community Healthcare
Advocating for youth rights to health
Developing curricula and multimedia content on youth health awareness
Promoting community healthcare awareness and girls and women rights to health
Promoting research to better understand youth health concerns and developing adequate solutions
Promoting the use of ICT to scale youth health awareness