Italian Agency for Development Cooperation - Calls

Italian Agency for Development Cooperation

سنة التأسيس: 
Kettaneh Construction Bldg. 2nd floor
Presidential Palace road
1003 Baabda
الهاتف: +961 05 951376/377/378
Fax: +961 05 451483
نوع المنظمة: 
منظمة دولية عالمية
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
إعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية والخدمات
خدمات الإغاثة
التنمية الاجتماعية والثقافية



The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – Beirut Office (hereinafter AICS) intends to award a supply contract for the supply, delivery, unloading, installation of IT equipment and software in addition to related support services for the Central Administration of Statistics – CAS

الجمعة, 6 سبتمبر 2019
منتهية الصلاحية

Supply of IT materials in Lebanon
Reference n. AID 10804 - AID 10804 - CIG n. 7942352C33 (lot n.1) / CIG n. 79423602D0 (lot n. 2) / CIG n. 7942368968 (lot n. 3)

الأحد, 28 يوليو 2019
منتهية الصلاحية

“Resilience & Social Cohesion Programme (RSCP) - strengthening the resilience of host communities and Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI)”

الاثنين, 5 آب 2019
منتهية الصلاحية

Supply Of Equipment for the sustainable development the Shouf Reserve:
Lot. 1 Wood cabins, stands and kiosks CIG n. 7898944EC8
Lot. 2 Fence CIG n. 7898947146
Lot. 3 Kitchen equipment CIG n. 7898948219
Lot. 4 Shredding machine CIG n. 7898953638

الثلاثاء, 18 يونيو 2019
منتهية الصلاحية

“Partnership for Knowledge” an initiative funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
Partnership for Knowledge - PfK - is a higher education initiative of the Italian Cooperation aimed at providing scholarships to researchers, public administration officers, social entrepreneurs and young leaders.

PfK offers a unique opportunity for future leaders and influencers to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience Italian culture, and build lasting positive relationships with Italy.

الخميس, 20 يونيو 2019
منتهية الصلاحية

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – Beirut Office (hereinafter AICS) intends to award a supply contract for the supply, delivery, unloading, installation and maintenance of IT materials in Lebanon within the framework of the programme “Everybody at school. Access to school services for school-aged children in Lebanon and Jordan” - AID 10804.

الجمعة, 12 أبريل 2019
منتهية الصلاحية

Supply Of Equipment for the sustainable development the Shouf Reserve:
Lot. 1 Wood cabins, stands and kiosks CIG n. 7735758572
Lot. 2 Fence CIG n. 7735758572
Lot. 3 Kitchen equipment CIG n. 7735758572
Lot. 4 Shredding machine CIG n. 7735758572

AID 10625.01.6 - AID 10625.01.6 - Lot1 CIG n. 7815763BA7 – Lot2 CIG n. 7815775590
– Lot3 CIG n. 7815787F74 - Lot4 CIG n. 7815804D7C

الاثنين, 1 أبريل 2019
منتهية الصلاحية

21 Masters and 5 PhD fellowships (fully paid), aiming at building value around cultural heritage and sustainable tourism as engines for sustainable development. The academic offer in this field trains experts in the conservation of cultural heritage, as well as it provides graduates with the competences required to fill highly qualified roles of responsibility in tourist destinations and tourism companies, tour operators, travel agencies, hospitality, tourist attractions and events organization firms, nationally and internationally.

الجمعة, 15 فبراير 2019
منتهية الصلاحية

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – Beirut Office (hereinafter AICS) intends to award a supply contract for the supply, delivery, unloading, installation and maintenance of mechanical equipment for professional schools in Lebanon within the framework of the programme “From vulnerability to resilience: actions to improve the living conditions of Syrian refugees and host communities in Lebanon and Jordan” - AID 10805.

الاثنين, 11 فبراير 2019
منتهية الصلاحية