التبويبات الأساسية
Dar Al Zahraa Charity Organization
Dar Al Zahraa Charity Organization serves more than 50,000 beneficiaries per year at various feilds and from all nationalities, through its following facilities: Orphanage, Charity School, Free Technical Institute (Nursing, Culinary), Scouts, Development and Research Center, Charity Hospital (Dispensary, Physical Rehabilitation, Geriatrics and Primary healthcare).
Our mission would not have been fulfilled without our partnership programs with International Organizations such as (Medcins sans Frontier - ICRC - Handicap International and others) in addition to partnerships with Governmental bodies as the Ministry of health and the Ministry of Social Affairs, in addition to local NGO's like YMCA and many others.
DAZ Charity has the capability to run various kinds of programs for beneficiaries in its range through its 10,000 m2 campus, facilities and skilled team. There are a lot of needy people out there waiting for some one to help, lets be there for them!
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بيانات صحفية
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