التبويبات الأساسية
Council of Environment مجلس البيئة
Studying the vegetation cover in Al-Qubayat area and its neighboorhood
- Study of archaeological sites scattered in nature
- Combating forest fires (construction of forest control tower and rapid intervention in case of fire)
- Establishment of the Karam-February reserve in Upper Grok Akkar (by a decree from the Ministry of Environment)
- Establishment of a plant studies area related to the Tree of Shouh (Fatha Al-Shuh)
- Control of tree pests, especially sandalwood worm in wild pine through biological treatment
Launching eco-tourism in Al-Qubayat and Akkar in order to raise awareness about the problems of nature and the environment through:
- Hiking walks in nature for free weekly and non-stop 25 years ago
- Launch of mountain bike sport
- Publish the ski adventure in depth ski de fond
- Frequent visits to archaeological and religious sites in the Qubayat and Akkar
Interest to the "urban" environment:
-Water pollution
- Noise
- Air pollution, although these issues are still secondary in our surroundings
Raising awareness on environmental problems:
- In schools
- Regular lectures for adults
- In the media
Coordination with environmental associations at the national level for national environmental issues:
- Quarries and crushers
- Air pollution
- Beach pollution
- Pollution of groundwater