Financial Accounting System: Supply, Design, Implementation And Training

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is an invitation to companies/firms to submit proposals for a financial accounting software system for the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC). The intent is to obtain information leading to the selection of an appropriate financial accounting system that will best meet the needs of the organization.
Respondents who are selected for further consideration will be invited to make an onsite presentation to demonstrate their system.
The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) is an independent humanitarian organisation founded in 1942 under decree No/540/1942 and decree No/117/1966. Its headquarters is in Damascus and it has 14 branches in the fourteen governorates of Syria plus 75 sub-branches. SARC is part of the Red Cross Red Crescent movement which is the world’s largest humanitarian network governed by the seven fundamental principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.
The ongoing crisis in Syria coupled with the enormous humanitarian needs in the country has resulted in increased pressure on the financial systems of the SARC. In light of these, the SARC through the support of its partners (Norwegian Red Cross and the British Red Cross), is soliciting bids for a financial accounting software.
The successful applicant will enter into a legal contract to provide professional resources including project management, system analysis and design, implementation, configuration and training for the selected financial-accounting software package. Companies/Firms can bid as individual companies or as joint ventures provided that in the joint ventures, the company leading the joint venture (Joint Venture Lead) must be clearly identified and details of the competencies of the Joint Venture partners must be clearly stated. Joint venture agreements between the joint venture lead company may be required if selected detailing the nature and extents of the joint venture.
The contract resulting from this RFP is intended to result in the design, installation, implementation of a fully-functional financial accounting software system, and provide on-going support and maintenance including the cost for module adjustment where necessary. The length of the contract shall be for an initial period of one year to ensure the software is fully integrated with SARC, after which the contract shall be renewed on an annual basis for maintenance and changes to software design.

Full tender docuements can be downloaded from the below link.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 14. سبتمبر 2017
نوع الدعوة
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