Association For The Development Of Rural Capacities - Calls

Association For The Development Of Rural Capacities

سنة التأسيس: 
Ezzeddine Building, 1st Floor
Carthage street
Sour , South Lebanon
الهاتف: +9617742806
Fax: +9617742806
South Lebanon LB
نوع المنظمة: 
منظمة مجتمع مدني محلية
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
العمل وسبل العيش
التدريب وبناء القدرات



ADR is seeking to hire a full time “Field assistant” in the framework of the project Economic strengthening and social stability of vulnerable local and displaced communities in South Lebanon implemented in partnership with Fundación Promoción Social (FPS) together with the Spanish NGO AIDA and aims to Contribute to strengthening the stability of the socio-economic environment in the Southern Region of Lebanon, creating opportunities for women and youth, both Syrian and Lebanese, and helping to reduce internal tensions.

الجمعة, 23 يونيو 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

ADR is seeking to hire a full time “Project Assistant” in the framework of the project Economic strengthening and social stability of vulnerable local and displaced communities in South Lebanon implemented in partnership with Fundación Promoción Social (FPS) together with the Spanish NGO AIDA and aims to contribute to strengthening the stability of the socio-economic environment in the Southern Region of Lebanon, creating opportunities for women and youth, both Syrian and Lebanese, and helping to reduce internal tensions.

الجمعة, 23 يونيو 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

ADR is seeking to hire a full time “Project Manager” in the framework of the project Economic strengthening and social stability of vulnerable local and displaced communities in South Lebanon implemented in partnership with Fundación Promoción Social (FPS) together with the Spanish NGO AIDA and aims to Contribute to strengthening the stability of the socio-economic environment in the Southern Region of Lebanon, creating opportunities for women and youth, both Syrian and Lebanese, and helping to reduce internal tensions.

الأربعاء, 31 مايو 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

Conducting baseline report for the Convenio Economic strengthening and social stability of vulnerable local and displaced communities in South Lebanon. The main objective of the baseline study is to establish and define the parameters of comparison of the initial situation that the Convenio seeks to change to later identify and explain the impact and achievement of the goals set in the intervention.

الثلاثاء, 14 مارس 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

ADR is seeking to hire an “Experts for salinas and stakeholders engagement” for short term contract in the framework of the project “Sustainable Management Model for Mediterranean Artisanal Salinas” (MedArtSal) funded by the European Program ENI CBC MED 2014-2020.
MedArtSal Project aims to promote the sustainable development of the Artisanal Salinas, providing concrete support on economic, environmental and governance issues. The project implementation is done through a partnership between 8 partners from Italy, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia.

الجمعة, 10 فبراير 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

ADR is seeking to hire an “Experts for salinas and stakeholders engagement” for short term contract in the framework of the project “Sustainable Management Model for Mediterranean Artisanal Salinas” (MedArtSal) funded by the European Program ENI CBC MED 2014-2020.
MedArtSal Project aims to promote the sustainable development of the Artisanal Salinas, providing concrete support on economic, environmental and governance issues. The project implementation is done through a partnership between 8 partners from Italy, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia.

الجمعة, 10 فبراير 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

ADR is seeking to hire a consultant for the Development of LED at Municipal Level in the framework of the project Agriculture Field Development and Livelihoods III – AFDAL III -PHASE I funded by the World Food Program (WFP).
AFDAL III Project aims to improve competitiveness, quality and productivity of agricultural value chains while addressing immediate food consumption needs of vulnerable households.

الخميس, 9 فبراير 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

ADR is seeking to hire a consultant for the Development of LED at Municipal Level in the framework of the project Agriculture Field Development and Livelihoods III – AFDAL III -PHASE I funded by the World Food Program (WFP).
AFDAL III Project aims to improve competitiveness, quality and productivity of agricultural value chains while addressing immediate food consumption needs of vulnerable households.

الخميس, 9 فبراير 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

ADR is seeking to hire a full time “Life Skills Trainer” in the framework of the project Agriculture Field Development and Livelihoods III – AFDAL III -PHASE I funded by the World Food Program (WFP).
AFDAL III Project aims to improve competitiveness, quality and productivity of agricultural value chains while addressing immediate food consumption needs of vulnerable households.

الجمعة, 16 سبتمبر 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

ADR is seeking to hire a full time “Life Skills Trainer” in the framework of the project Agriculture Field Development and Livelihoods III – AFDAL III -PHASE I funded by the World Food Program (WFP).
AFDAL III Project aims to improve competitiveness, quality and productivity of agricultural value chains while addressing immediate food consumption needs of vulnerable households.

الجمعة, 16 سبتمبر 2022
منتهية الصلاحية