التبويبات الأساسية
ARCS Arci Culture Solidali
ARCS - NGO association was founded in Rome in 1985 by Arci, the largest secular association for social and cultural promotion in the Italian Third Sector.
ARCI’s mission, history and values have their roots in the experiences of mutual solidarity in the late nineteenth century and they are today put into practice in the support for all forms of association for active citizenship, in the fight against all forms of social exclusion and in the defense of freedom and of participatory democracy, in the affirmation of a global society of rights and justice.
ARCS has assumed these principles and put them into practice in the construction and consolidation of international relations and partnerships.
The ARCS action plan in its international cooperation activities consists in the involvement of communities and citizens in the widespread creation of relations and cooperation between territories and communities, through the enhancement of civil aggregations, the building of networks of interest and the strengthening of democratic ownership.
For the assertion of peace and human rights and the elimination of all forms of poverty, injustice and social inequality ARCS practices: Education to world citizenship and peace; Cooperation, solidarity and international volunteering; Humanitarian aid and reception.
ARCS' priorities:
- Civil rights, democracy, peace and self-determination of peoples
- Humanitarian emergencies, refugee rights and reception
- Migration and co-development
- Intercultural dialogue
- Promotion of voluntary associations
- Social and Cultural education and training for all
- Children's rights
- Gender rights and empowerment
- Civic training, active participation and international mobility for young generations
- Protection of cultural heritage
- Food sovereignty and protection of common goods
- Social and environmental sustainability, fight against climate change, promotion of renewable energies
- Sustainable lifestyles, critical and conscious consumption