
قطاعات التدخل: 
حالة وقضايا النساء


Mabarra Rabita Nisaiya Islamiya
قطاعات التدخل: 
التدريب وبناء القدرات

The program consists of developing the trainees, in the areas of the training which consists of:
- To improve the livelihood framework of the families/ beneficiaries.

قطاعات التدخل: 

The Social/ health center in Khraybeh
This project aims at supporting families in terms of medical care and medicines, as in the Prevention and Health Education Program.

قطاعات التدخل: 
السكان النازحون
العمل وسبل العيش

The Accreditation Fund for the Economic and Social Rehabilitation of the Returnees provides medium credits to the different economic and population sectors.