Public Call for Tender nb. 83484169 Municipality coaching 21.1823.0-001.01 ACE

1. Context


Since the onset of the financial and economic crisis in 2019, Lebanese municipalities have been facing an increasingly complex and severe set of challenges that hinder their ability to provide essential services and respond effectively to community needs. The rapid devaluation of the Lebanese currency, soaring inflation, and widespread unemployment have drastically reduced municipal revenues, leaving local authorities struggling to sustain critical services such as waste management, electricity, water supply, and municipal policing.

Compounding these financial difficulties is the longstanding impact of the Syrian refugee crisis, which has placed immense pressure on already overstretched municipal resources. This has not only strained service delivery but has also heightened social tensions within host communities, making efforts to foster social stability and inclusive development increasingly difficult. Furthermore, the dramatic escalation of hostilities since September 2024 has triggered a severe humanitarian crisis, resulting in large-scale internal displacement. Municipalities, often the first responders in times of crisis, have been left to manage much of the response with limited support, struggling to provide shelter, food, and medical care to displaced populations.

The ongoing political crisis has further compounded municipal vulnerabilities. The postponement of municipal elections and the dissolution of over 100 municipalities have weakened governance structures and eroded public trust in local authorities. Recent surveys highlight this growing disillusionment, with only 18 percent of Lebanese in September 2024 believing that their municipality is doing its best to respond to community needs, a stark decline from 56 percent in July 2019. This decline in trust underscores the urgent need to strengthen municipal capacities and restore confidence in local governance.

Addressing these challenges requires urgent efforts to strengthen municipal capacities and rebuild public trust. Targeted interventions for capacity building can help municipalities navigate the crises, foster resilience, and ensure long-term stability in local governance.

The GIZ ACE project (Strengthening Agriculture, local Communities and small and medium Enterprises) aims to strengthen economic stabilization and improve social stability through targeted measures to promote cooperation and exchange in three areas of action (agriculture, support of small and medium enterprises (SME) and local communities).

Within the area of action for local communities, the ACE project strengthens local authorities and civil society to drive change and resilience amid Lebanon’s multidimensional crisis. By fostering collaboration between municipalities and residents in 25 selected partner municipalities in Hasbaya, upper Chouf, West Bekaa, Zahle region and southern parts of Baalbek, it enhances trust and local governance. Through participatory planning that includes the setup and involvement of community committees, the project ensures that community needs are identified by those directly affected, promoting inclusive decision-making and local ownership.

Identified small-scale projects and initiatives are subsequently developed and implemented through funding by GIZ to address urgent local challenges. One of these initiatives will focus on strengthening the municipality's capacity. To achieve this, community committees will consult with municipal staff and council members to identify key areas for development.

Based on these identified needs the objective of this assignment is to provide needs-based coaching or action-based on-the-job-training to strengthen the municipal staff and municipal council members in their capacities to operate and engage effectively with their communities.

Among the 25 partner municipalities, the goal is to implement the coaching or training of municipal staff in up to 15 municipalities as well as a comprehensive training for municipal staff for all 25 partner municipalities. In the event of municipal elections, an additional training session is planned for newly elected municipal heads.

The specific training and coaching needs will be identified and prioritized through consultations between community committees and municipal staff. These needs will then be verified by the service provider through individual discussions with municipal staff. The ACE project anticipates that the identified needs may include the following topics:

Roles and Responsibilities in Municipal Governance

  • Clarifying the functions and authority of the municipal council, the mayor, and administrative staff.
  • Strengthening coordination between elected officials and municipal employees.

Legal Framework and Institutional Relationships

  • Overview of Lebanese municipal law and key legal provisions governing municipalities.
  • Understanding the municipality’s relationship with central government entities (e.g., Qaemaqam and Mohafez).
  • Navigating legal obligations and opportunities for municipal decision-making.

Local Revenue Generation and Tax Collection

  • Understanding municipal tax structures and revenue sources.
  • Strategies for improving tax collection and compliance.
  • Addressing financial constraints through alternative funding mechanisms.

Financial Planning and Budget Management

  • Principles of municipal budgeting and financial planning.
  • Transparent allocation of resources and expenditure tracking.
  • Strategies for financial sustainability in times of crisis.

Transparent and Accountable Procurement Processes

  • Best practices for municipal procurement in compliance with legal and ethical standards.
  • Ensuring transparency, competition, and fairness in public tenders and service contracts.
  • Preventing corruption and improving oversight mechanisms.

Effective Decision-Making and Documentation

  • Best practices for recording municipal decisions and maintaining official records.
  • Transparent reporting on municipal spending and resource allocation.
  • Strengthening internal documentation and archiving processes.

Based on the identified needs, the service provider will deliver targeted training or coaching of municipal staff sessions.


How to apply

Interested Bidders can request the tender documents in writing via email no later than Monday, March 17th, 2025 at 14:00 pm (Beirut Local Time). 

The email should be addressed to with the subject line:
"Confidential – Request for Tender Documents 83484169 Municipality coaching- ACE"


The Tender Documents consists of the following:

  • Terms of Reference (TOR) 
  • Annex1- Financial Offer Template to quote you price
  • Annex2- Eligibility grid (to review)
  • Annex3- Technical Assessment Grid (to review)
  • Annex4- General Terms and Conditions (Signed and Stamped) 
  • Annex5- Self-declaration (To be completed and signed)
  • Annex6- Code of Conduct (Signed and Stamped) 



For any inquiries regarding this tender, please submit a written email to no later than Monday, March 17th, 2025, at 14:00 ( Beirut local time).

Your email subject line should be: "Confidential – Clarification 83484169 Municipality coaching- ACE"


Offer Submission Deadline

The deadline for submitting Offers is Friday March 21st 2025 at 23:59 (Beirut Local Time).


Submission Guidelines

Offers must be submitted in PDF format via TWO SEPERATE EMAILS to, as follows:

Technical Offer – Subject line:

"Confidential – Company or Consultant's Name/Technical Offer /83484169 Municipality coaching- ACE"

Financial Offer – Subject line:

"Confidential – Company or Consultant's Name/ Financial Offer /83484169 Municipality coaching- ACE"


Evaluation Criteria

The Technical Offer has a weighting of 70%, while the Financial Offer has a weighting of 30%.

Minimum passing score for the technical assessment: 500 points. Bidders scoring below this threshold will be disqualified and will not proceed to the financial assessment stage.


General Conditions:

- The Offers must be submitted in English Language.

- The Offers must be signed, dated and stamped (Fill out Annex 1-Financial Offer Template)

- Financial Offers must remain valid for at least two months from the submission date.

- The Financial offer must be in USD only, including taxes.

- Applicants will not be reimbursed for their submitted Offers.

- The Contract currency is USD. The employer is not responsible for any currency fluctuation.

- Payment will be made via bank transfer to the contractor’s local bank account (fresh money).


Additional conditions:

- If you did not receive any notification in writing within four weeks after the submission deadline, it means your offer has not been accepted. You will not receive a separate rejection notice.

- Non-compliance with any requirements may result in the disqualification of your bid.

- If the contractor is not registered with the Ministry of Finance and does not hold an income tax number, GIZ reserves the right to deduct 8.5% from the invoiced amount.

- Only applications providing all required documents as per the Terms of Reference will be considered.


GIZ mailbox receive size is capped at 25 MB. Documents exceeding the mentioned MB should be transferred via : Start ( (provide the password within your email)

آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 21. Mar 2025
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
تنمية, التدريب وبناء القدرات
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
From 24/03/2025 until 31/03/2026 with the option to extend 3 more months