يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: 
توجيهات التقديم: 

Kindly submit your cover letter along with your curriculum vitae to the e-mail: sai.hr.recruitment@premiere-urgence-lib.org, mentioning the job title in the subject.

 Any Email that does not contain a title will be automatically discarded.

 "Only those who have a valid driving license issued since more than Two years can apply."

"Covid-19 vaccination is mandatory"

 Due to the acute need to fill this position, PU-AMI reserves the right to close this vacancy earlier than stated.

اسم الشخص المسؤول: 
Ghinwa Abdel Khalek
Contact Person Position: 
Human Resources Assistant
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 

The Psychologist is expected to have a broader understanding of the Inter-agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on MHPSS and the IASC intervention pyramid that refers to a multi-layered service provision in both emergency and humanitarian settings. Particularly in the scope of mental health, the position is expected to have an insight into the “stepped care” defined by World Health Organization. Moreover, the proficiency in scalable MHPSS interventions would be a technical asset for the position to be able to provide evidence-based services in a more innovative and effective way rather than the conventional psychological interventions. Regarding the engagement with the community members, the psychologist is expected to have an updated understanding of the constantly and rapidly changing MHPSS and protection needs of the Lebanese community in general while having a detailed understanding of the challenges faced by specific vulnerabilities in the community.
The psychologist works in close coordination with the Social Workers (SWs) in the PUI’s MHPSS Team PUI and in close collaboration with colleagues from health, protection, and FLS (food, security, and livelihood) departments depending on the core objectives of ongoing MHPSS projects of the organization. The Psychologist offers direct MHPSS services to host and refugee communities and provides supervision to the PUI’s SWs and MoPH staff on targeted mental health and psychosocial support activities.
S/he supervises the participatory development of individualized recovery plans, and conducts focused and higher resource intensity psychological interventions both at individual and group levels based on the identified MHPSS needs of the targeted community members. For the individuals with moderate or severe MH complaints and with more complicated needs, the psychologist provides technical support for PUI’s SW and for the MoPH staff for the proper follow-up on the case management and further referrals. When deemed necessary, the psychologist provides technical support for the implementation of the community-based psychosocial support activities in the scope of promotion and prevention of mental health and psychosocial well-being. Lastly the position is expected to contribute to on-the-job capacity building of the MoPH staff involved in MHPSS response (general practitioners and nurses trained on mhGAP Depression module).
In close collaboration with the MHPSS Coordinator and the MHPSS Team Manager, the Psychologist will:
- Provide stepped care including a wide range of interventions from lower resource to higher resource intensity.
- Support community based mental health and psychosocial support activities through clinical supervision and technical guidance;
- Provide targeted/focused psychological consultations to more severe cases;
- Participate in training activities;
- Provides clinical supervision to trained MoPH staff in MHPSS;
- Participate in data collection and reporting.


- Provide technical guidance to the protection team on the provision of community-based psychosocial support, including group counseling, awareness-raising, and advocacy with the community leaders through the supported primary health care centers;
- Provide close and regular supervision in the form of group and/or individual case discussions and formal supervision sessions, if possible, conduct in-field observations of the PSS activities;
- Help and facilitate the identification of moderate to severe cases to be referred for targeted and specialized mental health services;
- Support the referrals for MHPSS consultations.
- Provide one to one psychological sessions upon request and for most urgent/complex cases, with a focus on depression and anxiety-related disorders;
- When agreement from the beneficiaries, provide co-counseling sessions for empowering the psychosocial workers and psychologists;
- Conduct psychological assessments to identify the severity and impact of the symptoms and problems, design a treatment plan and assess the needed services;
- Prepare a participatory recovery plan by ensuring the active participation of the person with the MH complaints or condition.
- Proceed with regular assessment of the impact of treatment on the beneficiary, involving the use of clinical assessment scales and ensuring quality care throughout the care process;
- Provide feedback on the needed adjustments to the activities according to the impact assessment and beneficiary feedback;
- Support the monitoring of data collection and patient information to patient file and database
- Support the referral of beneficiaries to advanced services of identified partners (both secondary health care and other services) when needed;
- Follow-up on the referred cases and ensure the good continuation of MHPSS care;
- Work in coordination with other organization providing MHPSS services and support the SWs for keeping the service mapping updated
- Actively participate in the training needs assessments;
- Support the design of training material, schedule, and logistic needs;
- Support the facilitation of MHPSS trainings and workshops to PU-AMI teams and partners, including MoPH staff;
- Contribute to the training assessment and learnings assessment process.
- Monitor accurate record of the beneficiary and activity data using PUI standard tools and according to PUI guidelines;
- Contribute to the development and implementation of data-collection tools as well as relevant supervision and clinical tools – with the support of the MHPSS Coordinator;
- Contribute to the MHPSS statistic reports and reports to the donors;
- Participate in project assessments (implementation, data-collection and reporting).

- Participate in PU-AMI team meetings and in meetings with the team members of partner association;
- Be an active and responsible member of the team;
- Actively collaborate with Health and Protection teams and ensure integrated response is rolled-out throughout the project;
- Collaborate with other organizations involved in health, water, sanitation, and nutrition in the project area.
- Be aware of the security rules and social and political situation in the field at any time and provide feedback to the line manager;
- Support any other work duties requested by the MHPSS Coordinator;
- Mainstream of protection principles and standards throughout all actions;
- Ensure high level of confidentiality and ethics throughout the actions;
- Conduct all actions with high level of professionalism (confidentiality and ethics included);
- Ensure PU-AMI MHPSS guidelines are followed and clinical & quality standards are met;
- Ensure internal PU-AMI Code of Conduct is respected at all times.

The tasks and responsibilities defined in this job description are non-exhaustive and can evolve depending on the project’s needs.


- Language skills: Fluent in English and Arabic, (speaking/reading/writing);
- Education degree: Master’s degree in psychology or related field. Training and significant clinical experience in management of depression and anxiety disorders.
Desirable: WHO’s Mental health Gap (mhGAP), Training in community or public health, Training in CBT-based focused interventions
- Work experience: At minimum 2 years of clinical practice in mental health care
Experience in community or public health
Experience in working with a NGO
Experience in the provision of clinical supervision and trainings
- Computer skills: Excellent knowledge of the MS office software including Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook.
- Other:
Excellent writtten and verbal communication skills
Understanding of the Lebanon health care system
Ability to work in unstable circumstances
IT skills (basic Excel knowledge)


- Excellent communication, conflict solving and diplomacy skills
- Strong motivation to help people in need
- Ability to make decisions
- Ability to analyze and suggest improvements of the activities
- Ability to adapt or change priorities according to the changing situation
- Well organized and able to manage stress and pressure
- Neutrality, impartiality and reliability

منتهية الصلاحية


دليل مدني، شبكة المجتمع المدني، يوفر للمنظمات منصة لنشر الوظائف, وليس مسؤول عن عملية التوظيف. كل منظمة مسجلة على دليل مدني هي مسؤولة بشكل فردي عن منشوراتها وعن عملية التوظيف.

آخر تاريخ التحديث: 
18 يوليو, 2024
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الصحة النفسية, اللاجئين
آخر مهلة للتقديم:
الاثنين, 22 يوليو 2024
نوع العقد:
دوام‬ ‫كامل‬
مدة الوظيفة:
Till end of December 2024 renewable based on performance and availability of fund.
According to PU-AMI salary scale
نطاق الراتب:
بين 2000 و 2500 (دولار أمريكي)
درجة التعليم:
تفاصيل درجة التعليم:
Master’s degree in psychology or related field. Training and significant clinical experience in management of depression and anxiety disorders. MoPH Work Permit is required. Desirable: WHO’s Mental health Gap (mhGAP), Training in community or public health, Training in CBT-based focused interventions
متطلبات الخبرة:
بين سنتين و3 سنوات
اللغة العربية:
اللغة الانكليزية:
اللغة الفرنسية:
غير مطلوب
  • Lebanon
  • الجنوب