Location: Hay el Gharbeh, Ghobeiri

Project Title: Feminist Approach to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services in the Middle East Region

Coordinates with: Director of the MHPSS center

Duration: 7 months

Contact :[email protected]

Brief Information About the Activity:

This project, entitled "Feminist Approach to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services in the Middle East Region," aims to develop (a) a guiding framework for MHPSS services tailored to the context of marginalized groups in the MENA region (b) an intervention model to test its applicability and effectiveness with marginalized groups in Lebanon. Grounded in feminist understanding and principles of mental health, the project’s approach emphasizes the consideration of underlying contextual factors that directly contribute to the mental health suffering of marginalized communities. The project incorporates a participatory bottom-up approach to integrate the marginalized groups' perspectives throughout the different stages of the MHPSS intervention process—from design to implementation to monitoring and post-intervention evaluation.


Context of the consultancy:

Storytelling will be part of the activities, with the intention to incorporate a creative arts element. These activities not only facilitate personal expression but also foster community bonding and discussions on mental health. Drama and playback theatre, in particular, can be combined with storytelling to create a space for people to sit more easily with their difficult emotions and process them, as well as allow individuals to create a separation between themselves and their lived experiences, providing a more balanced and engaging approach to emotional exploration and healing.


Adding a drama component to the storytelling technique enables participants to express themselves and explore emotions in a non-confrontational manner. Drama interventions have the potential to reduce the intensity of sharing heavy personal stories, providing a more balanced and engaging approach to collective processing and meaning making.

The intervention aims also to provide the space for the production of a collective narrative in an artistic way that fosters connection between the community members of el Hay el Gharabi. For that purpose, we wish to end the intervention with a performance/collective creative element/activity which will help achieve this goal, especially if the participants are able to share this product with the rest of the community members.


For the above purpose, Tahaddi is looking to recruit a creative art consultant.


Structural Setup and Communication:

The consultant will closely collaborate with both the research team and the Tahaddi team, meeting before and after implementation. This collaboration aims to understand the activities, background of the participants, and prepare jointly for sessions that will be delivered together, ensuring alignment with the research objectives.

This includes a monthly one-and-a-half-hour session for supervision and coordination. The consultant will also be responsible for preparing and facilitating a final performance, which may take approximately two working days.


Tasks expected from the consultant:

- Participate in the Training of Trainers to understand the initiative, the activities, and the role of the drama component.

- Meet with the team involved in the implementation to prepare the storytelling activities and later to discuss the outcomes of those activities.

- Prepare the content and co-facilitate the 4 sessions related to the themes and outcomes of the storytelling activities.

- Prepare the content and follow up on the implementation of the final performance alongside the participants and the implementation team.

- Develop a report on the implementation of the chosen creative art activity and performance, to be handed to the implementation team.


General outline: Biweekly sessions will take place over the period mentioned below:

  • August: 2 sessions
  • September: 2 sessions
  • October: 2 sessions
  • November: 2 sessions
  • December: 2 sessions
  • January: 2 sessions
  • Feb: 1 session

12 sessions in total


  • A Degree in Drama, Performing Arts, or a Related Field: A degree from an accredited institution, with coursework in drama, performing arts, storytelling. A background in psychology is a plus.
  • Experience with MHPSS Interventions: Demonstrated experience working in mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) interventions, particularly those that are community-based and inclusive.
  • Facilitation Skills: Strong facilitation skills, with the ability to lead workshops, group sessions, and community activities.
  • Cultural Competency: Awareness and sensitivity to cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity, ensuring inclusive and respectful practices.


Other Qualifications:

  • Specialized Training in Feminist or Gender Theories and Practices: Additional training or coursework in feminist theory, gender studies, or related fields.
  • Storytelling and Drama Techniques: Proficiency in using drama and storytelling techniques for therapeutic and educational purposes, especially within a feminist framework.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to engage with diverse community members, stakeholders, and team members.
  • Empathy and Compassion: A genuine interest in helping others and the ability to empathize with their experiences and emotions.
  • Professionalism: Adherence to ethical guidelines and maintaining professionalism in all interactions.



How to apply

Interested applicants can download the attachment for detailed about the project and its requirements and follow the steps outlined below.

1. Submission Requirements


-A detailed explanation of the services offered.

-Methodology and approach to delivering the services.

-Cost breakdown and overall budget proposal.



-Examples of previous work relevant to the requested services.

-Case studies or success stories, if available.

-Any awards or recognitions received.


Company Information:

-Full company name, address, and contact details.

-Company registration number and tax identification number.

-Brief history and overview of the company.

-Description of the team and key personnel involved in the project.

2. Further Clarifications

For iquiries, you can send the email to [email protected] and cc [email protected]

3. Submission Address and Deadline

All submissions must be sent to  [email protected] and CC [email protected] and cc [email protected] by the end of the day on August 6, 2024.

Late submissions will not be considered.

آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 06. أغسطس 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الصحة النفسية
Remuneration range:
5000 to 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
7 Months