Call for MEAL Expert
Terms of Reference (TOR)
About Adyan
Adyan is a foundation for managing diversity, promoting solidarity and safeguarding human dignity. We are a group of individuals who want a world that embraces diversity, in which we live together in peace.
We work locally, regionally and globally to achieve Inclusive Citizenship, develop Education on Living Together, activate Religious Social Responsibility, and promote Spiritual Solidarity. We also seek to contribute to Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and advancing Freedom of Religion and Belief. We work through homegrown solutions in Education, Research, Policy Making, Media, and Community Engagement Networks.
About MEAL Project
Since 2019, Adyan has strengthened its MEAL system and discipline. Adyan also initiated advocacy for MEAL with other local CSOs working on inclusiveness and living together. Currently Adyan is implementing the MEAL consolidation project with the aim of consolidating all the results achieved in the previous MEAL projects and build on a more enshrined MEAL culture and a more comprehensive outreach of the tools designed among the Lebanese and Arab civil society.
Suppose Adyan strengthens its MEAL system and advocates for it to the main change actors in Lebanon and the Arab world, the voice and needs of people living in vulnerable situations will be heard and communicated to those responsible, then this will contribute to changing the national mindset concerning inclusivity, transparency, and accountability.
Scope of work/Assignment
The MEAL expert will work in direct collaboration with the project manager and MEAL senior officer at Adyan to enhance the MEAL system.
Training on organizational strategy and theory of change (TOC): this exercise aims at providing training on the organization’s theory of change and overall strategy to Adyan’s board, team and beneficiaries.
Logical framework analysis (LFA), indicators and MEAL manual: this exercise aims at developing a log frame with indicators for the organization in addition to provide a training for the team and board on it along with developing the organization’s MEAL manual (while linking to what is already available in the organization).
Provision of coaching: this exercise aims at provide coaching for the newly recruited senior monitoring and evaluation officer and for Adyan team and board.
Data Analysis: this exercise aims to provide support for designing and analyzing data related to different Adyan projects
Consultancy Deliverables
Adyan Foundation is looking to hire an external MEAL expert to work on a consultancy-based modality with the main areas of focus being:
Deliverable 1: On the level of training on theory of change (TOC):
- Provide interactive and participatory training for Adyan’s board and team on the theory of change
Deliverable 2: On the level of logical framework analysis (LFA), indicators
- Provide training for Adyan’s team and board on how to develop the LFA and Tree analysis with practical example of Adyan current projects.
- Develop a LFA along with indicators for the organization in addition to provide a training for the team and board on it.
Deliverable 3: on the level of accountability and learning:
-Provide training for Aydan’s team and board on accountability and learning, provide recommendations on systems or platforms for online learning diary
Deliverable 4: Create an M&E manual
-covering monitoring and evaluation policy, and methodologies, tools …
Deliverable 5: On the level of coaching:
-Provide coaching for the newly recruited senior monitoring and evaluation officer.
-Provide coaching for Adyan team and board.
Deliverable 6: On the level of Data Analysis:
- Provide support for designing and analyzing data related to different Adyan projects
- A bachelor's or master's degree in a relevant field such as international development, public policy, economics, statistics, social sciences, or a related discipline.
- Previous experience in monitoring and evaluation roles/consultancies (at least 10 years), preferably in a development or non-profit context. This experience must include designing and implementing M&E frameworks, conducting evaluations, data analysis, developing theory of change and reporting.
- Previous experience (at least 3 years) in providing M&E training in non-profit contexts.
- Strong analytical skills are essential for interpreting data and drawing meaningful insights from monitoring and evaluation activities. This includes proficiency in statistical analysis and data visualization.
- Familiarity with various M&E methodologies, tools, and techniques, such as logical frameworks, performance indicators, surveys, interviews, focus groups, and participatory approaches.
- A good understanding of the development sector, including knowledge of key issues, trends, and challenges in areas such as international development, humanitarian aid, public health, education, or economic development.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills are crucial for preparing M&E reports, presenting findings to stakeholders, and facilitating discussions with project teams.
- Ability to manage multiple tasks, meet deadlines, and work effectively both independently and as part of a team.
- Proficiency in relevant software tools for data analysis and visualization, such as Excel, SPSS, STATA, R, or NVivo, as well as familiarity with M&E software platforms.
Language Skills: Proficiency in relevant languages may be required depending on the location and focus of the consultancy work
Personal Attributes
- Strong interpersonal skills are important for building relationships with clients, collaborating with project teams, and engaging with stakeholders at various levels.
- The ability to adapt to changing circumstances, handle uncertainty, and adjust monitoring and evaluation plans as needed is essential in dynamic development contexts.
- Commitment to upholding ethical standards in data collection, analysis, and reporting, including ensuring confidentiality, informed consent, and safeguarding the rights of participants.
Term and workload
The expertise term will start on July 2024 and will end on December 31st, 2025. The expert is expected to work as per the agreed upon workplan during this period for the project. This TOR maybe renewed
Copyrights and confidentiality
All the data and information shared or produced in the framework of this ToR are exclusively the property of Adyan Foundation. The expert has to commit to full confidentiality related to this project, besides what Adyan makes public from its results.
Contract Termination
Adyan has the right to terminate this contract without any compensation if the expert failed to deliver his/her duty as agreed, or because of changes in the finding process of the project or other force majeure that affect its implementation.
Interested experts should submit the following documents:
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) detailing relevant qualifications, experience, and achievements.
- Proposal describing the proposed methodology with suggested number of working days for each délivrable and must include : how will the expert develop the M&E manual, conduct the training and the data analysis and using which tools. Also how will the expert manage any risk that may arise during the process.
- Financial proposal outlining (including number of working days) the proposed daily fee and any additional costs associated with the project.
Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Relevance and clarity of the proposed methodology.
- Demonstrated experience and achievements in similar projects.
- Qualifications and expertise of the individual consultant.
- Financial proposal including proposed daily fee and cost-effectiveness.
All CVs and proposals must be submitted no longer than end of July, 2024. Please submit your CV/Proposal electronically to with the subject line: "MEAL Expert - Adyan - [Your Name]
How to apply
submit your CV and proposal to with the subject line "MEAL Expert - Adyan - [Your Name]".
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