Call for Medical Supplies Supplier - Elderly Care Kit - REF#ECKIT052024

Requesting Agency: WATAD Association

Date:  May 2, 2024

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +961 6 444 966


About WATAD: WATAD emerged in response to an urgent demand for developmental initiatives in Lebanon, spanning various sectors. Established in 2018, WATAD is an NGO comprising a diverse team of experts from different fields including HR, environment, health, agriculture, engineering, education, and digital technology. Their collective mission is to provide indispensable services to individuals across all societal strata, regardless of socioeconomic, political, or religious affiliations. Presently, WATAD operates three primary programs within the framework of the following sectors: Livelihoods, Health, and Emergency Response.


Project Title: Elderly Care Vocational Training in Tripoli Area in collaboration with Expertise France under the SHABAKE 2 Project


Project Length/Timeline: 3 months, from 1 May 2024 to 31 July 2024


Supplier Needed: Specialized Elderly Care Kit


Quotation Currency: All quotations must be provided in USD to mitigate exchange rate risks.


Elderly Care Kit Supplier


Evaluation Criteria: Supplier selection will be based on:

  • Reputation & Quality of Brand (50%)
  • Pricing & Cost (best value for money) (50%)



The payment will be made within 30 days of the delivery. We are not able to pay a down payment or directly on delivery. The payment will be made via a bank transfer in US fresh dollars or a bank withdrawal letter.


Items needed:

Annex W10_A (Attached)

How to apply

How to Apply: Interested bidders are requested to:


  • Email their signed quotations, and copy of their legal documents (The commercial circular التجارية الإذاعة, the registration in the Ministry of Finance and the legal representative Passport (Not ID), and Fresh Bank Account details) to [email protected] before May 17, 2024, COB.
  • Please use the email subject line: " Kit Quotation – Elderly Care – Name of the Bidders "
  • Include delivery charges in the prices.
  • Deliveries should be completed within 2 to 3 weeks after confirmation.
  • Incomplete quotations will be disqualified.
  • Tender results will be communicated to all vendors by Jun 5, 2024, via email.
منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 17. مايو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
3 months