Development of a New Database Management System for People with Disabilities & Management information system

Taawon works closely with local, grassroots organizations to address the specific needs of the Palestinian refugees living in difficult circumstances throughout the country. We support the implementation of a range of initiatives under three specific programs: Education, Community Development (including health and relief), and Culture.  We work in close partnership with more than 40 local partners and touch the lives of more than 100,000 Palestinian refugees annually.


About the Proposal

Taawon recognizes the importance of effectively managing data related to people with disabilities to ensure comprehensive support and services are provided. To address this need, we are developing a new Database Management System (DBMS) tailored specifically for individuals with disabilities. Additionally, we aim to establish a robust Management Information System (MIS) in collaboration with our implementing partner to streamline data management processes and facilitate efficient information exchange.

The DBMS will serve as a centralized repository for storing, organizing, and managing data pertaining to people with disabilities. It will incorporate existing features of our current DB Manager system, enhancing accessibility, usability, and functionality to better meet the needs of our organization and its stakeholders.

Simultaneously, the MIS will provide a platform for our implementing partner to manage and monitor project activities related to people with disabilities. It will enable efficient data exchange and synchronization between our organization and the implementing partner, ensuring real-time access to accurate and relevant information. The project is funded by Taawon and implemented by our implemented partner in collaboration with the Palestinian Disability Forum aims.

How to apply

Interested companies or consultants are invited to share their proposals before the 10th of May 2024 (at 3:00 pm).


Proposals should be submitted in a sealed envelope containing two sealed envelopes one for the Technical Proposal and one for the Financial Proposal.  Envelopes should have the title Development of a New Database Management System for People with Disabilities & Management information system”.

Pages of both proposals should be numbered and signed/stamped by the submitting companies or consultants.


Proposals to be submitted to Taawon offices.  Address: Ramlet El Bayda, Al Akhtal el Sagheer Street, Green Project Bldg. – 5th Floor - Telephone: 01.850218/9.

The application shall have the following parts:


  1. The consultant can propose one of two options: a web-based system – subscription based or a custom developed system.


  1. The Financial part should be submitted in USD and include all anticipated costs and taxes.


  1. Examples of previous work done in designing web-based monitoring and evaluation systems and data management systems. This should include a description and reference from the perspective customer.



منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 10. مايو 2024
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
احتياجات خاصة