Qualified consultant(s) to develop a capacity building plan and deliver capacity building trainings for the MEAL team and other program staff
To whom it may concern,
Caritas Lebanon (CL) is seeking qualified consultant(s) to support the organization in the integration of the Result Based Management Approach (RBM) into Caritas Lebanon project design and management methodology for the MEAL team and other program staff, in addition to enhancing the team’s knowledge and skills in conducting needs assessments and situational analysis, and finally develop a comprehensive Master Logical framework and MEAL plan with central performance indicators that are versatile for various projects .
How to apply
Eligible bidders are those registered with the Lebanese Ministry of Finance.
Interested candidates with proven ability to deliver on the below mentioned assignment deliverables within the set timeframe, should submit their company or personal profiles via email to purchasing@caritas.org.lb to receive the related request for proposal file to be filled out and submitted.
Offers should be submitted by hand in sealed envelopes to the following address:
Caritas Lebanon
Sin El-Fil – Dr. Youssef Hajjar Street – Caritas Lebanon Head Office – 6th Floor.
The deadline for quotation submissions is on April 23, 2024, before 3 pm
Offers that are received by Caritas Lebanon after this deadline may not be considered for evaluation.
Any inquiry should be made before the deadline for submission by email to purchasing@caritas.org.lb .
منتهية الصلاحية