Call for Proposal for Circular Economy Curriculum Development - RFP-CLST-IL-0002


INJAZ Lebanon is a non-profit organization, an affiliate of Junior Achievement (JA) Worldwide, with a mission to equip youth with the skills and mindset they need to become entrepreneurs and business leaders stimulating their communities. It is also a member of INJAZ Al-Arab, a regional network of 14 countries across the MENA region. INJAZ Lebanon delivers programs in partnership with the business sector focusing on entrepreneurship, work readiness, and financial literacy.


INJAZ Lebanon is seeking the expertise of a Curriculum Developer to create a comprehensive Circular Economy Curriculum for the circular track within our CATALYST Program. This track is designed to engage youth in seven municipality communities in North Lebanon with the principles and practices of the circular economy.


The circular track aims to inspire and empower youth to become advocates and innovators in promoting circular solutions to environmental and economic challenges within their communities. The curriculum will be customized to the Lebanese context, incorporating case studies, examples, challenges, and innovation relevant to North Lebanon.

Deliverables and Expected Delivery Dates

The selected expert will be responsible for the following deliverables:

1. Curriculum Development:

   - Develop a curriculum that aligns with the Circular Futures objectives.

   - Customize content to the context of Lebanon, with a focus on North Lebanon.

   - Include case studies, examples, scenarios, and challenges relevant to the local context.

2. Training Material:

   - Develop PowerPoint presentations, handouts, guidebooks, and working manuals.

   - Ensure that the material is suitable for both trainers and participating youth.

3. Trainer Guide:

   - Develop a comprehensive Trainer Guide for use in Training of Trainers sessions.

4. Bilingual Material:

   - Provide all materials in both English and Arabic.

5. Branding Compliance:

   - Adhere to the branding guidelines of the CATALYST Program.

6. Ownership Transfer:

   - All developed curriculum and content will become the property of the CATALYST Green Program.


Training Sessions:

The curriculum will be utilized in three types of training sessions:

1. Bootcamp (5 Days):  Focus on problem identification (3 days) and solution development (2 days).

2. Community & Municipality Engagement Workshops (7 Municipalities): Facilitate dialogues to identify sustainability challenges in each municipality.

3. Advanced Module (3 Months): Provide additional coaching and mentoring support to selected youth teams implementing initiatives.

Evaluation Criteria

The selection of the consultant will be based on the following criteria:

  1. 1- The proposal should include a portfolio showcasing relevant work, a brief cover letter, and a detailed breakdown of the estimated timeline for each deliverable.
  2. 2- Relevance to the Circular track objectives.

3- Demonstrated experience in curriculum development showcasing previous work in a similar field.

4- Ability to meet project timelines and deliver high-quality content.

5- Understanding of the project's objectives and target audience.

6- Competitive pricing and cost-effectiveness.


How to apply

Interested Curriculum Developers with a strong background in circular economy education and an understanding of the Lebanese context are invited to submit their proposals by December 29 no later than 5:00 pm via email attention Mr. Firas El Issrawi ([email protected] ), Senior Procurement & Admin Officer. Please mention in the subject line the following: RFP-CLST-IL-0002 Circular Curriculum Development. Quotations that are received by INJAZ Lebanon after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation.

We look forward to partnering with a skilled professional to contribute to the empowerment of youth in North Lebanon through sustainable practices.

Please refer to the related documents to check the term of reference. 


منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 29. ديسمبر 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
التنمية الاجتماعية والثقافية