External consultancy services: Consultancy works in Machta Hammoud WWT Network




Réf: PF-TRI-00971

SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL in partnership with the European Union EU are committed to provide Access to Basic Services for the Vulnerable Population in Lebanon – Economic Recovery and Basic Infrastructure.

Established in France in 1980, SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL is an International non-governmental, non-political, non-religious, non-profit organization, working with vulnerable populations, mainly victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters. Specialized for nearly 40 years in the coverage of vital needs, SI takes charge of emergency and reconstruction programs. Solidarités International's teams, made up of around 270 expatriates and nearly 2200 local employees, are today present in 18 countries in Asia, Middle East, Africa and Caribbean where they are particularly committed to fighting diseases related to unsafe water but also in the essential area of food security and livelihoods.

In Lebanon, since 2013, SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL has been intervening as WASH, FSL and DRR actor in North, Akkar and Bekaa regions. To create a positive change impacting affected communities, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL (SI) is providing emergency in-kind and cash assistance to restore the living conditions and coping mechanisms of the most vulnerable population. In parallel, SI intervenes on the longer term to strengthen the resilience of communities and systems, by rehabilitating infrastructures, mitigating risks, and enhancing livelihood opportunities. Through all its programming, SI promotes research and innovation, and is partnering with complementary local CSOs to provide the most efficient needs-based approach.

The current ToRs is part of a project implemented by Solidarités International within a national level, three-year, EU-MADAD funded consortium project with multiple NGO partners (ACTED, WW-GVC, LebRelief, ACF, RMF and others) and government stakeholders (Ministries, four Regional Water Establishments) aiming to improve water and wastewater services delivery and governance in Lebanon.

Through an EU-MADAD funded project, SI will support the North Lebanon Water Establishment (NLWE) by developing water and wastewater infrastructure in Akkar Governorate, more specifically targeting the area under the coverage of the Qobayat local office under NLWE.

Within this support, SI will be completing the Wastewater network in Machta Hammoud, Akkar, which was implemented by Concern WW in 2018. The missing section is 390 meters long. The implementation will connect the network to the wastewater treatment plant downstream.

SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL intends to conduct a detailed assessment and condition study of the wastewater network implemented by CWW in Machta Hamoud in 2018 to identify any flaws, deficiencies, and potential improvements within the existing of approximately 11-kilometer network, which will provide a proper understanding of the works that should be conducted to ensure proper system functionality and proper completion of the network's missing section.






How to apply

5.1     Proposition submission

Based on all the information detailed in the ToR, and its own expertise, the Consultant is expected to share a detailed proposal defining the design that should be considered to ensure reaching the project objective and related output.

The following elements will have to be included within the Consultant’s proposal:

5.2     Legal registration and administrative documents


  • Copy of Ministry of Finance (MoF) registration
  • Copy of the commercial registration
  • Copy of VAT registration
  • Copy of bank information
  • Copy of the ID of the general director
  • If necessary, a Power of Attorney letter from the owner/representative
  • SI vendor code of conduct
  • Classification documents (consultancy firm certification)


Tenderers will also have to include the following documents:

  • Contact information (Name + position, email address, phone number)
  • Company Portfolio.
  • Attached ToR and drawing (signed and stamped)

5.3     Technical offer


Written Proposition (Methodology) of no more than 10 pages presenting:

           Definition of activities, modalities and approaches needed and will be followed by the consultant for the proper assessment, topographic and condition surveys, comparison report, technical solution and design, tender documentation, and supervision of the works.

           Definition of the tests needed to ensure the best quality of work is being implemented for the different tasks that mentioned in this ToR (assessment, topographic and condition surveys, comparison report, technical solution and design, tender documentation, and supervision)

           Description of the modalities considered to ensure proper coordination and communication with all the different stakeholders (SI, CWW, Local authorities, NLWE…etc. regarding the system during (assessment, topographic and condition surveys, comparison report, technical solution and design, tender documentation, and supervision) phases.

           Description of the means and resources to be considered for a qualitative and timely implementation of the different tasks and activities mentioned in the ToR (assessment, topographic and condition surveys, comparison report, technical solution and design, tender documentation, and supervision).

           Description of the safety measures that the consultant will follow during the different tasks mentioned in this ToR (assessment, topographic and condition surveys, comparison report, technical solution and design, tender documentation, and supervision)

           Detailed Workplan demonstrating the time required by the consultant for the various types of activities and tasks outlined in this ToR (assessment, topographic and condition surveys, comparison report, technical solution and design, tender documentation, and supervision).

The workplan shall mention clearly the timeline in calendar days.


Description of Consultant’s expert staff profile and the staff that will be dedicated to:

  • Conducting the topographic and condition surveys.
  • Comparing the results of the surveys with the existing surveys.
  • Designing of the activities under this project.
  • Supervising the activities that will be implemented by the contractor.



  • List of similar consultancies performed in the past 10 years:

Provide a table presenting for each consultancy the following elements:

  • Name of project/kind of consultancy
  • Total value of the contracted consultancy
  • Total value of the works designed and supervised.
  • Duration of the contract
  • Starting date
  • Contracting authority and location of the works
  • Issuing of final acceptance:
  • Yes
  • Not Yet (ongoing contract)


  • Presentation of both most relevance experience, within the past 10 years, related to wastewater systems design and supervision in Lebanon, including, but not limited to:
  • Copy of past Contracts signed with a partner or donor in addition to service completion certificates and references
  • Narrative description (not more than 2 pages) of the related project and results

(Any document proving that you have already performed this type of activity)

Warranty:   The Consultant will be held accountable and responsible for the design suitability for purpose and its technical integrity, which may be subject to third party monitoring and verification.


5.4     Financial offer

A detailed budget presenting the Consultant’s proposal regarding materials, equipment, human resources, and logistical support costs that are forecasted for the different tasks mentioned in the ToR and the BoQs.

In compliance with VAT regulations, all unit and total prices should be quoted without VAT, as SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL has been granted a 100% VAT exemption for this project by the Ministry of Finance.


The quotation form and BoQs should be filled in, signed and stamped as per SI quotation’s minimum requirements.


 5.5 Offers submission process

a. Mandatory Site visit


The site visit is a prerequisite to the submission of proposals. Consultants who fail to attend the visit will not be considered in this competition process and their proposals will be rejected.


The site visit is planned on Monday 18th of December 2023 at 11:00 AM in Machta Hammoud on the following G.P.S coordinates: 34.655456, 36.310799


Consultants must confirm their presence for the site visit by email and will be requested to sign SI’s attendance site visit sheet.

b. Offer submission:


Your administrative, technical and financial offers are requested to be submitted by Friday, December 22nd 2023, before 2:00 PM in a sealed envelope on which is written “RFP - Ref. PF-TRI-00971 - Consultancy works in Machta Hammoud WWT Network”, and directly to SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL Office at Jana Residence, 2nd floor, Dam w Farez Tripoli.

Please ensure that all required documents are saved on a flash memory device as PDF files, clearly naming and organizing the files as per our specifications and labelling the flash memory device with your company's name. These materials should be enclosed within the sealed envelope.


All submitted documents should be duly filled out from your side, and stand both a signature and an official stamp.


Envelopes must be brought by Friday 22nd of December 2023, before 2:00 PM, to:

SI Office at Jana Residence, 2nd floor, Dam w Farez Tripoli


Note that the attached drawings are extracted from Autocad software.

SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL can share them by email upon request received by email from the consultant.


Should you have any questions or need further clarification regarding this request for quotation, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address below:

PF-TRI-00971 – Consultancy works in Machta Hammoud WWT Network

as the title of the e-mail



The site visit is mandatory pre-requisite for offers submission and planned on Monday 18th of December 2023 at 11:00 AM in Machta Hammoud.

Following the attendance to the site visit, the deadline to submit an official offer is Friday 22th of December 2023 before 2:00 PM.


SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL reserves the right to extend this deadline for procurement compliance purposes.


SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL does not bind itself to award the tender to the lowest tender or any bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the tender.







How to apply

All submitted documents should be duly filled out from your side, and stand both a signature and an official stamp.


Envelopes must be brought by Friday 22nd of December 2023, before 2:00 PM, to:

SI Office at Jana Residence, 2nd floor, Dam w Farez Tripoli


Note that the attached drawings are extracted from Autocad software.

SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL can share them by email upon request received by email from the consultant.


Should you have any questions or need further clarification regarding this request for quotation, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address below:

PF-TRI-00971 – Consultancy works in Machta Hammoud WWT Network

as the title of the e-mail



The site visit is mandatory pre-requisite for offers submission and planned on Monday 18th of December 2023 at 11:00 AM in Machta Hammoud.

Following the attendance to the site visit, the deadline to submit an official offer is Friday 22th of December 2023 before 2:00 PM.


SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL reserves the right to extend this deadline for procurement compliance purposes.


منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 22. ديسمبر 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل: