HADATHA Association is a national NGO established in 13/03/2006 and registered at MOI under number 87/A.D to support the roles of various community segments by developing their capabilities, and reduce economic vulnerability by promoting their skills, and facilitating community access to social, humanitarian, and development work

For its project  "TACO "in [North ], funded by the [DANIDA], partnering with Danish Refugee Council, HADATHA Association is aiming from this Tender to solicit competitive offers for “Hygiene Kit”

The project is based on the urgency of direct intervention in Akkar and Minnieh with the most vulnerable population at risk in line with the national strategy set in place.
In line with the Cholera Response Plan3, the project will target the 3 needs identified by the UNHCR and their key intervention areas: 1) Public health: prevention/surveillance and case management; 2) Community engagement: Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE); and 3) shelter: Hygiene and sanitation conditions in collective shelters.
Al Hadatha has a wide experience in field intervention in Akkar villages and North Lebanon, an excellent relation with the local authorities and a credibility with the local communities and local and international actors, will build on the capacity growth from DRC to respond to a new arising emergency, the Cholera Outbreak in Akkar and Minnieh, the most vulnerable areas in the country.

How to apply

Interested consultants  are invited to submit their tender for [Hygiene Kit] in North – [HAD-DRC-RFQ-023-002]

and send it to the email address : [email protected]

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 12. مايو 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الصحة, المأوى والمواد غير الغذائية, نظافة المياه والصرف الصحي