Short Documentaries Production Project - IFRC MENA, Lebanon

The aim of this consultancy is to produce documentaries and short videos that focus on the good practices done by the national societies in terms of community engagement and accountability (CEA) and how institutionalizing CEA and mainstreaming it throughout the program management cycle is enhancing the NSs interventions and activities.

Identified Areas/Topics for Video Documentary:

  • The NSs that the documentaries and short videos will cover are Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), Lebanese Red Cross (LRC), Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC) and Libyan Red Crescent.
  • The Topics will be success stories showing how CEA improved the program from communication with people, to enhancing and evolving the programs based on the actions taken from the feedback mechanisms being implemented.

Scope of Work & Technical Requirements:

The video documentary will capture the project’s Community Engagement and Accountability approach and the Feedback mechanism key results, successes and challenges, best practices, and lessons learned from the interventions.

The video will serve as a tool to publicize the work of IFRC and respective national societies and serve as an advocacy tool to lobby for further support. It will feature several personal stories of affected people, interviews of representatives from IFRC, Red Cross Red Crescent-National Societies.

The documentary should be produced in English and Arabic, at the highest market quality standards, in high definition, and with clean stylistic touches. The total running time of the documentaries is to be 2-3 minutes each.

The overall message of the documentary will highlight:

  1. How institutionalizing and imbedding community engagement and accountability and the NSs is positively affecting the activities and programs.
  2. How setting up the feedback mechanism and working with it throughout the program cycle is raising the impact of the programs while also enhancing the community’s trust in the NSs
  3. Show case how the NSs are using the feedback that is gathered and how they are closing the loop by contacting the people who raised their feedback with answers and updates regarding their feedback

Main Responsibilities:

  1. Develop the documentary film’s overall concept and scenario.
  2. Develop a production work plan for the assignment
  3. Interview selected participants for the video project.
  4. Visit the selected project sites and interact with the local communities
  5. Develop the documentary script and storyboard to be used in the film.
  6. Perform appropriate video filming and shoot interviews with the projects’ targeted people and stakeholders, and produce high-quality project still photographs.
  7. To translate the targeted population’s voice into Arabic/English for subtitles
  8. Present a draft documentary to IFRC PMER for review/comments
  9. Adapt the final video into short videos telling
  10. Incorporate the comment and produce a final 2–3-minute documentaries

Needed Profile:

  • Bachelor’s degree in film or cinematography or a minimum of three (3) years of documented work experience in film/reportage/documentary writing, producing, directing, and editing
  • 3years of experience in film/reportage/documentary writing, producing, directing, and editing
  • Access to the highest quality filming, light, sound and editing equipment.
  • Experience in working with international organizations
  • Excellent photograph and video editing skills and experience
  • Experience in development communication
  • Skilled in: Film editing, Cinematography, Storytelling, Presentation and Pitching, Ability to adhere to a production schedule and to operate under strict time limits, Attention to details, Managing conflict on a set.

N.B: Video production companies can be considered during the selection phase.

How to apply

Timeframe and Location:

The Short Documentaries Production are expected to be finalized by 05/06/2023

The successful consultant/company is required to be based in Beirut, with ability to travel to Syria


  • Resume / Company portfolio
  • Expression of Interest: 1-3 page technical and one page financial proposals as per below guidelines.

Technical and Financial proposals to be submitted by 1st of March, 2023 addressed to: IFRC MENA office - [email protected]

Interviews may form part of the selection process if necessary, after analysis of the technical and financial proposals.

Technical Proposal

  • Provide understanding of tasks as indicated in the TOR.
  • Share the documentation of previous work done as relates in recent 5 years.
  • Tentative workplan with working days for main activities and dates for milestones.

Financial Proposal

The financial proposal should include all costs necessary for the consultant (including direct fees and reimbursable costs for expenses incurred) to effectively complete the tasks as per the TOR. Financial proposal shall form part of the contract agreement signed by both the IFRC and the Consultant.

Please submit it as a table showing in USD:

Description of costs (Preparatory costs, Actual Consultancy Costs, Other costs) | Unit |Rate per unit |Total Amount per cost

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 01. Mar 2023
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
الاتصالات والإعلام